Schuylaar's Sesh - Issa/Cummings Exchange..

Seeing as the republicans keep throwing shit against the wall, and none of it seems to be sticking; I'd say not putting your ass on the line is a good choice at this point. A hanging may be needed, but that does not exclude that a hanging may, in fact, not be needed.

How many have plead the 5th before? More than a couple. Not that it matters. Even if nobody had done it, that does not inherently mean anything that is relevant to this line of conversation.

Congressional officials are notorious for turning words around and generally doing anything that can make them look good at someone else's expense.

Why does it matter what everyone else did? As my mother had said many times to me as a child "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?". Argumentum ad populum isn't a very solid argument; and that is 90% of your argument here. Out of curiosity, when did constitutional protections become "extraordinary"?

People did that to George Zimmerman. He was found not guilty according to the rules of the constitution, yet that didn't stop the mob of liberal superheroes from hackling him at the beach until he left and then everyone cheered. No one gives a fuck and many liberals say that's his punishment. If liberals didn't promote ad populum, they'd have no platform.
People did that to George Zimmerman. He was found not guilty according to the rules of the constitution, yet that didn't stop the mob of liberal superheroes from hackling him at the beach until he left and then everyone cheered. No one gives a fuck and many liberals say that's his punishment. If liberals didn't promote ad populum, they'd have no platform.

People are entitled to their opinions, last I checked; this does not have any bearing on any of my points. And that more recent shooting where a guy fired into a car on unarmed black kids, and continued to fire after they tried to drive off; continues to point out the flaws in the system in Florida. Especially considering the fact he was not convicted of murder. The guy gunned down people who were unarmed and were still in the vehicle and were trying to get away from the situation. He literally was shooting someone trying to get away from him.

I view the shooting of Trayvon to be an act of a wannabe John Wayne gone wrong. It may have been technically legal, but Zimmerman put himself in that position against direct orders to the opposite. I'd call what happened there an easily avoidable tragedy. He may well have acted in self defense, but he actually went looking for that trouble.
People are entitled to their opinions, last I checked; this does not have any bearing on any of my points. And that more recent shooting where a guy fired into a car on unarmed black kids, and continued to fire after they tried to drive off; continues to point out the flaws in the system in Florida. Especially considering the fact he was not convicted of murder. The guy gunned down people who were unarmed and were still in the vehicle and were trying to get away from the situation. He literally was shooting someone trying to get away from him.

I view the shooting of Trayvon to be an act of a wannabe John Wayne gone wrong. It may have been technically legal, but Zimmerman put himself in that position against direct orders to the opposite. I'd call what happened there an easily avoidable tragedy. He may well have acted in self defense, but he actually went looking for that trouble.

Probably need to dumb this down. You're allowed your opinion as long as you don't obstruct someone. Or did you forget that whole traffic jam incident with Chris Christie?

That's really funny! Isn't that what Marines do? They send you to cause trouble, when none was there, just so we have a better standard of living here. Not that I don't say thanks, but to then criticize Georgey Boy for the same thing is priceless.
Probably need to dumb this down. You're allowed your opinion as long as you don't obstruct someone. Or did you forget that whole traffic jam incident with Chris Christie?

That's really funny! Isn't that what Marines do? They send you to cause trouble, when none was there, just so we have a better standard of living here. Not that I don't say thanks, but to then criticize Georgey Boy for the same thing is priceless.

You're going to have to clarify your statements a bit here. I think I see the particular bits you are responding to, but I don't wish to assume. That was a rather long statement on my part, and there's a few places where your response could be applicable.
People are entitled to their opinions, last I checked; this does not have any bearing on any of my points. And that more recent shooting where a guy fired into a car on unarmed black kids, and continued to fire after they tried to drive off; continues to point out the flaws in the system in Florida. Especially considering the fact he was not convicted of murder. The guy gunned down people who were unarmed and were still in the vehicle and were trying to get away from the situation. He literally was shooting someone trying to get away from him.

I view the shooting of Trayvon to be an act of a wannabe John Wayne gone wrong. It may have been technically legal, but Zimmerman put himself in that position against direct orders to the opposite. I'd call what happened there an easily avoidable tragedy. He may well have acted in self defense, but he actually went looking for that trouble.

John Wayne is the epitome of the Marine. Last I checked the enemy doesn't agree with why you're there and considers you the same you called George.
John Wayne is the epitome of the Marine. Last I checked the enemy doesn't agree with why you're there and considers you the same you called George.

John Wayne was a puss who dodged the draft during a legitimate war; he wasn't a Marine, but he played one on TV. Aside from chain-smoking, anger issues, and love of booze; he was no Marine.
Kpmarine is no true Scotsman, either.

Did he ever finish Marine boot camp and get awarded an EGA? If he didn't, then he was never a Marine. That's pretty simple.

Much like one cannot be the epitome of a vegetarian without avoiding consumption of meat; one cannot be a Marine without actually earning the title.
Except you used John Wayne as a simile, now you're using the literal to go about your snipe hunt.

I used John Wayne as the stereotypical guy who looks for a fight when it could be avoided; as in "that guy wants to be a bad-ass like in the movies". It's a pretty common slang term amongst many people. The only time when John Wayne gets a reference in the Marines is on Jayne Wayne day; which happens to be when Marine's wives get to pretend to be Marines for a few hours. I also never used him to compare to Marines; only to trigger happy civvies.
I used John Wayne as the stereotypical guy who looks for a fight when it could be avoided; as in "that guy wants to be a bad-ass like in the movies". It's a pretty common slang term amongst many people. The only time when John Wayne gets a reference in the Marines is on Jayne Wayne day; which happens to be when Marine's wives get to pretend to be Marines for a few hours. I also never used him to compare to Marines; only to trigger happy civvies.

Exactly. And I was saying that's ironic, since Marines are "John Wayne as the stereotypical guy who looks for a fight when it could be avoided." No one except other Marines and Republicans believe otherwise. You said what I did was wrong in high school, how is what you did any different when you chose the Uncle Sam bully? Uncle Sam bullies it's own citizens when they don't want a gay man around them, and they bully other countries because we don't like them beating gays with sticks.

How is what you did any different than why George did what he did? Both of you believed you were doing your duty for your community/country.

And don't even go there, dispatch has no authority to tell anyone not to follow.
Exactly. And I was saying that's ironic, since Marines are "John Wayne as the stereotypical guy who looks for a fight when it could be avoided." No one except other Marines and Republicans believe otherwise. You said what I did was wrong in high school, how is what you did any different when you chose the Uncle Sam bully? Uncle Sam bullies it's own citizens when they don't want a gay man around them, and they bully other countries because we don't like them beating gays with sticks.

How is what you did any different than why George did what he did? Both of you believed you were doing your duty for your community/country.

And don't even go there, dispatch has no authority to tell anyone not to follow.

Did Wayne face a dishonorable discharge if he spoke against our current military practices? If I showed up to a protest in uniform or identified myself as a Marine during a protest, then I was facing a guaranteed loss of all the benefits I would have otherwise earned; that's on top of time in a military prison (Court martial is a bitch.). When I was in, I knew at least one gay Marine, and I felt bad for his situation. I can only imagine how shitty it must be to be forced to act like you aren't in love with someone you love.

The Marines, and every other department/branch, only go where they are sent based on the lawful orders they are given. When congress says "jump" then you jump. Don't try to act like any war the military was involved in when I was enlisted was not sanctioned by representatives of the US. The fact that military suicides surpass the civilian average back up the fact that many in the military feel trapped as well. The realization that you lack a moral imperative is a bitch.

The difference between you and I was that when I saw someone being an ass stateside, I did something about it. When I saw a tiny gay man in Palm Springs getting picked on by some bigger asshole; I proceeded ask him to pick on someone in his weight class. When he did, I put him on his ass, let him get up, and put him on his ass again when he tried to agrees for a second time. The difference between you and I is that I feel remorse for something I now feel to be wrong; and I've made an attempt to compensate for that by sticking up for people. It's easy to sand up for someone in the civvie world; the worst they can do you is physical harm. When was the last time you stuck up for something other than an animal?
Did Wayne face a dishonorable discharge if he spoke against our current military practices? If I showed up to a protest in uniform or identified myself as a Marine during a protest, then I was facing a guaranteed loss of all the benefits I would have otherwise earned; that's on top of time in a military prison (Court martial is a bitch.). When I was in, I knew at least one gay Marine, and I felt bad for his situation. I can only imagine how shitty it must be to be forced to act like you aren't in love with someone you aren't.

The Marines, and every other department/branch, only go where they are sent based on the lawful orders they are given. When congress says "jump" then you jump. Don't try to act like any war the military was involved in when I was enlisted was not sanctioned by representatives of the US. The fact that military suicides surpass the civilian average back up the fact that many in the military feel trapped as well. The realization that you lack a moral imperative is a bitch.

The difference between you and I was that when I saw someone being an ass stateside, I did something about it. When I saw a tiny gay man in Palm Springs getting picked on by some bigger asshole; I proceeded ask him to pick on someone in his weight class. When he did, I put him on his ass, let him get up, and put him on his ass again when he tried to agrees for a second time. The difference between you and I is that I feel remorse for something I now feel to be wrong; and I've made an attempt to compensate for that by sticking up for people. It's easy to sand up for someone in the civvie world; the worst they can do is you physical harm. When was the last time you stuck up for something other than an animal?

I stuck up for myself when a POG didn't think a vegan could kick his ass.

Spent an hour looking for the owner of keys I found with my son, person's husband lost them and would've been fired, they were his work keys.

There's this thread.

Stood up to a cop trying to intimidate me and ask for my ID, which is against the law if you're not driving a car.

I troll because I care. Alright?
I stuck up for myself when a POG didn't think a vegan could kick his ass.

Spent an hour looking for the owner of keys I found with my son, person's husband lost them and would've been fired, they were his work keys.

There's this thread.

Stood up to a cop trying to intimidate me and ask for my ID, which is against the law if you're not driving a car.

I troll because I care. Alright?

So you stuck up for yourself against a guy who I seem to recall explaining was a failure in some detail; standing up to a person who had no reasonable chance of kicking your ass; standing up for your family; and found some keys? I'm pretty sure those were risky situations. Kudos for actually not remaining silent, but starting threads about how much of a bad-ass you are seems to diminish your legitimacy, as it seems like you are looking for a pat on the back.
So you stuck up for yourself against a guy who I seem to recall explaining was a failure in some detail; standing up to a person who had no reasonable chance of kicking your ass; standing up for your family; and found some keys? I'm pretty sure those were risky situations. Kudos for actually not remaining silent, but starting threads about how much of a bad-ass you are seems to diminish your legitimacy, as it seems like you are looking for a pat on the back.

I'm 180, the POG was over 250, which is pretty bad ass for a non-marine so called wimpy skinny vegan. Considering what most vegans consider risky is setting free some lobsters they stole from a fish restaurant.
I'm 180, the POG was over 250, which is pretty bad ass for a non-marine so called wimpy skinny vegan. Considering what most vegans consider risky is setting free some lobsters they stole from a fish restaurant.

And that POG made some impressively stupid mistakes. I'd still venture he was a tampon, at best. Like I said, kudos for sticking up for yourself. However, it's human nature to stand up for you and yours. How much of that 70lb difference was muscle? Did you weight the dude to get an accurate number? Any Marine that big was likely to be booted due to that height to weight factor.
that's funny since EVERYTHING comes back to benghazi with you retards!

self-owned right there, waffle.


lullers:wink: i was trying to save them the thought process..
Nope, just aware of how people love to twist words when they want to make you look bad. Any good lawyer will slap the shit out of you if you attempt to testify on your behalf; barring extenuating circumstances. One wrong eye movement, or a poorly phrased statement, and everyone just thinks you're guilty.

double +rep

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kpmarine again.