Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
Seeing as the republicans keep throwing shit against the wall, and none of it seems to be sticking; I'd say not putting your ass on the line is a good choice at this point. A hanging may be needed, but that does not exclude that a hanging may, in fact, not be needed.
How many have plead the 5th before? More than a couple. Not that it matters. Even if nobody had done it, that does not inherently mean anything that is relevant to this line of conversation.
Congressional officials are notorious for turning words around and generally doing anything that can make them look good at someone else's expense.
Why does it matter what everyone else did? As my mother had said many times to me as a child "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?". Argumentum ad populum isn't a very solid argument; and that is 90% of your argument here. Out of curiosity, when did constitutional protections become "extraordinary"?
People did that to George Zimmerman. He was found not guilty according to the rules of the constitution, yet that didn't stop the mob of liberal superheroes from hackling him at the beach until he left and then everyone cheered. No one gives a fuck and many liberals say that's his punishment. If liberals didn't promote ad populum, they'd have no platform.