Schwag vs. Chronic


Well-Known Member
I've always been curious to exactly what it is that ultimately decides if a plant will flower with schwag, shit buds; or with wonderful, potent buds like the ones most of us are growing. If anyone can answer this for me I'd be interested.


schwag is schwag for a million different reasons. the care given to it while growing, harvesting, and drying all can turn possibly good bud to schwag. keep in mind this stuff usually comes from commercial growers growing hundreds if not thousands of plants and don't always have the time to care for each one... through in the fact that hermies aren't always caught and male plants aren't even always pulled, you end up with seedy shit too... so on and so forth, plus the strains are generally picked for large production, not necessarily for quality like most home growers choose...

those are just a few reasons


Well-Known Member
I would like to see someone take some seeds from some bud that won't even get you high and grow it to the best of their ability and see what they come out with.



you want to be sure the genetics you are using (even if from bagseed of some schwag) that it atleast gets you high... some bud just doesn't have much thc in it and unless crossed with highly potent strands, no offspring of such plant will ever be any good to smoke (i.e. the ruderalis, rubbish unless a hybrid like low rider)


Well-Known Member
That was going to be my next point exactly constantgardener. I have always wondered if you were to take some SHIT weed, pull some seeds and grow it with the upmost care, what you would end up with. This is an experiment that I am very curious about and have been for a quite some time. If anyone has tried something like this I'd really like to hear how that turned out. Thanks for the feedback, I figured those factors put together would be the reason for schwag; but, I'd still like to hear if anyone has ever tried growing from shit.


if any body here is buying weed so bad it doesn't even get you high, then they're dealers are laughing right now... i'm sorry i've never come across that bad of schwag, haha... but having the mexican border an hour away can help sometimes...


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask about what kind of weed anyones dealer has or who gets better weed.... Last time I checked this is a site for GROWERS. We are the top of the food chain when it comes to the dope game and we generally dont need dealers. we are just talking about an experiment that has to do with a hobby we all share. Back to the question.


everybody gets there stuff from somewhere... sorry yeah i'm growing some bagseed right now that was sticky and smelled great and knocked me on my ass... not that i've got better dealers, i'm just saying i don't know how one would come across that bad of weed... hell, i wouldn't mind doing the experiment myself, just to see how much you can better the product...

i only got love, sorry


Well-Known Member
Bag seeds, unless it came from some high grade that got fertlized, will have a limited upper limit in terms of THC. Let's say you buy some decent midgrade with seeds. Maybe those seeds genetically can reach an upper THC content of 12% if raised under the ideal conditions. A high grade seed, on the other hand, raised under the exact conditions can reach an upper limit of about 20%. Your shitty "dirt weed" may only have an upper limit of 5-8%. So yes, you can improve on the bag weed if you have the ideal conditions but it won't be that high grade killer weed, unless your seeds came from a high grade plant.


Well-Known Member
the bud i'm growing right now is from bagseed. and that weed was definitely not the best...and look at it now haha


Well-Known Member
I've only saved bag seeds from herb that left me completely unable to remember the night before. Having seeds in it tells me it was grown outdoors or in poorly controlled indoor environment. In either case, I should be able to improve on the original amnesia-grass. If someone sold me dirt weed, I'd beat their ass into the ground or get my money back. Whichever came first. When I said "schwag", I meant bud with seeds. Sorry, I did not intend to imply that I could grow killer from dirt weed. That would require genetic modification I think.


Well-Known Member
Dro, good for you but looks can be deceiving. Wait until you smoke it. BTW, I am not "hating" on bag seed or anything, hell, I am growing bag seed myself but I have realistic expectations.


Well-Known Member
I recently harvested a few o's from some bag seeds from some good mid-grade and the smoke is real tasty and looks and smells much better than the bud it came from, but it is really not that strong. It is a little more potent than the original bud but far from killer.