science is forever finding more .


Well-Known Member
You dont have to get trippy man, to each their own.

If you dont like blind hunting good for you, no one is trying to compete with you on how to hunt...

Hog stalking is a lot better imo... They rush you at times and that spikes your adrenaline big time!

I use the wind, as well as scent blockers to my advantage.

I find blind hunting boring, and borderline un-sportsman like... it's hella easy to shoot a deer when you're 15-20 feet up in the air looking at a giant pile of apples... :p


Well-Known Member
LOL, I'm not getting "trippy"... it's not like I haven't gone blind hunting before, it's just.... boring. lol

I still prefer still hunting with the rifle, as opposed to a bow for obvious reasons! (Good luck on those 50+ yard shots with a bow!)

I'd love to go hog hunting sometime...


Well-Known Member
hunting is cruel , i hope someone hunts your ass with a rifle or a bow.
No it's not.

How is me harvesting a deer or pheasant any different than anyone else eating meat, or any other animal supplying for itself?

Oh, and don't try to give me some vegan/vegetarian bullshit guilt trip.... I know how to hunt, I take ethical shots, and I always eat what I hunt, if it's your "lifestyle choice" to not eat meat, good for you; but keep in mind the only reason you exist is because your ancestors knew how to hunt.


Well-Known Member
I've worked in the farming industry and in I would rather be a deer that lives most of it's life in my natural environment then being bred for meat, milk and hide. I work with animals on a daily basis and have nothing but respect for other sentient beings. Humans are capable of a lot of tortuous suffering toward animals, in most cases, hunting is not one of them. I would vote for Ted Nugent for president. :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
No it's not.

How is me harvesting a deer or pheasant any different than anyone else eating meat, or any other animal supplying for itself?

Oh, and don't try to give me some vegan/vegetarian bullshit guilt trip.... I know how to hunt, I take ethical shots, and I always eat what I hunt, if it's your "lifestyle choice" to not eat meat, good for you; but keep in mind the only reason you exist is because your ancestors knew how to hunt.
we live in 2011 theres no need to eat meat anymore , infact your countrys mindless slaughter of inocent animals for meat is the reason you have a massive problem with obesity.
The world would be a much healthier place if we all cut down on meat.


Well-Known Member
sorry dude i have a pair a nuts between my legs so i need meat to live. to say meat is the reason why people are fat in america is just dumb. lord knows fast food is the main reason.


Well-Known Member
we live in 2011 theres no need to eat meat anymore , infact your countrys mindless slaughter of inocent animals for meat is the reason you have a massive problem with obesity.
The world would be a much healthier place if we all cut down on meat.
I'm Canadian dude, and no animal is innocent; they're all part of nature.

Humans are omnivores, fact, and eating meat is part of a balanced, healthy, diet. You obviously have personal reasons for not wanting to eat meat, but making generalizations like "there's no need to eat meat anymore" or that meat is the reason for obesity... it's silly.

The world would be healthier if we didn't eat junk food, and processed food, not meat....

You might as well be saying potatoes are unhealthy because some people abuse french fries...


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure beefy is from canada eh...
i finally got why he hates hunting, cause he dont know how and he from da uk, ney on the guns... Lol

QUOTE=ThE sAtIvA hIgH;6818144]we live in 2011 theres no need to eat meat anymore , infact your countrys mindless slaughter of inocent animals for meat is the reason you have a massive problem with obesity.
The world would be a much healthier place if we all cut down on meat.[/QUOTE]

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
In England we use our fists , we dont rely on ballistics , we aint no pussys hiding behind the barrel of a gun , we are hardcore warriors .


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about using them on others? I think that shit is a pussy ass move too, but in this day and age, you got all these little "gang banger" wanting to be all macho man randy!

So, how many punches does it take to kill a deer or fox?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i only use my fists on pussy ass bitches , i dont harm animals they have as much right as you to be on this planet , they have evolved for millions of years .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i dont think your ard olly hiding behind ballistics thinkin your all hard lol if someone was hunting you, i bet you would shit your pants lol .
anyway oliver how cum you aint prayin to jesus for a car and something to sort your wreck of a life out ?


Well-Known Member
In England we use our fists , we dont rely on ballistics , we aint no pussys hiding behind the barrel of a gun , we are hardcore warriors .
You mean you let the government disarm you without so much as putting up any resistance? So now you have no choice but to use fists because you've allowed a government monopoly on coercive force?