science: multiculturalism and integration diminishes racism

If you don't treat people as individuals and hold them responsible for their own actions and insist on placing people in "minority groups" based on race (as you mentioned) you just might be perpetuating racism.

Collective guilt or collective victim status based on race is a slippery slope.
What really perpetuates racism is when you advocate for racial segregation and advise people to hang signs I their doors uninviting people based on their skin color.
Then is there a better word to describe acts and words which are not racist only because they lack institutional current? I don't think anyone is saying that black people can't discriminate against or offend white people simply because they are in a position of systematic vulnerability and persecution. However, if you don't call it racist, what do you call it? Question directed to UncleBuck.

An indian guy and a black guy both hold views that each other are inferior
both raised in the UK and are UK citizens

Black guy calls indian guy a suicide bomber, indian guy calls black guy a nig-nog

both do not wish their races to integrate , both of these men hate each other more than they hate white people

how do you blame white people for this and what type of racism is it ?
An indian guy and a black guy both hold views that each other are inferior
both raised in the UK and are UK citizens

Black guy calls indian guy a suicide bomber, indian guy calls black guy a nig-nog

both do not wish their races to integrate , both of these men hate each other more than they hate white people

how do you blame white people for this and what type of racism is it ?
It's the "poor oppressed white guy" type.
It's the "poor oppressed white guy" type.

White people born and living in Uganda can't be institutionally racist ,
So the Ugandans are oppressing white people now? Do they meddle in the politics of powerful western (read: white) nations? Are they interested in plundering the resources of powerful western (read: white) nations?

You poor oppressed white guy...
It's the "poor oppressed white guy" type.

This translates to
"conflict between Indian and black communities does not fit with your agenda of trolling"

maybe you are not aware that many Indians believe that dark skin is ugly
they do not want to breed with black people
they may accept white people into their family but its still not preferred
but black is a big no no, would bring shame on them

did indians come up with this themselves ?
or did a white man indoctrinate them to believe this ?

you will find many more white black interracial couples than Indian/black
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This translates to
"conflict between Indian and black communities does not fit with your agenda of trolling"

maybe you are not aware that many Indians believe that dark skin is ugly
they do not want to breed with black people
they may accept white people into their family but its still not preferred
but black is a big no no, would bring shame on them

did indians come up with this themselves ?
or did a white man indoctrinate them to believe this ?

you will find many more white black interracial couples than Indian/black
But how is this oppressing white people? Are you saying white people are not oppressed?
But how is this oppressing white people? Are you saying white people are not oppressed?

How do you propose to solve the racial tensions between blacks and Indians, so that they may integrate into society together ?
(multiculturalism), perhaps you should check the thread title

you can tell the Indians and black folk that white people are oppressed but i do not think this will solve the issue
What really perpetuates racism is when you advocate for racial segregation and advise people to hang signs I their doors uninviting people based on their skin color.

Nice try.

I am opposed to human interactions which arise from nondefensive force, you are not. If a person doesn't want to interact with another person and they remain, indifferently, on their own property, I may disagree with their point of view, but I'm willing to leave them alone, you are not.

You believe it is okay to force people into human interactions using the same mode a rapist does...force.

I've never advocated for anybody to be a racist, I think it's stupid and a poor way to judge an individual.
Yes you have Rob Roy

No, I'm on record many times stating racism is silly etc.

I'm also on record many times stating that a person that IS a racist, still maintains the right to control their own body and their property, but not the body or property of others.

You advocate the same form of coercion that an aggression initiating racist uses (force or the threat of it) when you propose prohibitionist laws. I'm a little surprised at just how cognitively dissonant you are, it runs very deep in your pea brain.