That's a plausible branch of the myriad scenarios leading to their fall.
But I had another thought; could it be this was when Freemasons began taking over the transmission of science?
From my understanding, the earliest lodge records come from the 11th century (sure, they may have existed before then). So this would have been about the time of Islamic Science's ascendency, which peaked ~13th century...
I think you mentioned that in passing earlier, no? The "secret societies"... But good luck finding that in an academic history book... And it's difficult to take the Masons' word seriously, too. Their tales are almost as fanciful as those of epileptic prophets and water-walkers...
Islamic engineers, though... They did have a keen understanding of acoustic physics (i.e. parabolic reflectors), which probably led to their hypotheses about light...
But, I still don't have a comprehensive narrative for that period between Islamic Science's peak and Copernicus...
I need to finish Lindberg's book (plenty of chapters after 8,

"Secret Societies" does NOT mean Freemasons.
there are actual secret societies, rarely mentioned outside their own circles, some with very narrow interests, like collecting old manuscripts.
the Freemasons are not really a secret society, they are a "
Secretive Society", their existence is widely know, and what they do within is the secret (sort of).
despite their claims , the freemasons were actually founded as a trade guild (secret because it was illegal) for, now hold onto your hats here...
Free Stone Masons.
Builders were highly in demand throughout europe during the middle ages, toi build cathedrals, castles, manor houses, monuments, palaces etc... but their skills were esoteric, handed down from master to apprentice through the Dark Ages, and there were not architectural colleges.
masons would travel from land to land building various structure for various princes lords and popes, and then it was off to the next project. often times when a project was done, the lord would stiff them, figuring they got what they wanted, so screw the builder. the masons would be robbed, ejected from the lord's lands, and told to eat a dick. thus they formed a secret guild, so any lord who fucked over a member would be noted, and when his shit needed repair, or he wanted some new structure, the masons would be aware of his shenanigans, and tell him to pound sand, or charge him double, payment in advance.
builders were also Engineers, needed for sieges. putting walls up is one thing, tearing them down is quite another, and who could know how to drop a wall faster than the asshole who helped build it? as such, masons were often conscripted into service by keeping their membership roles secret, the Free masons could help to keep themselves Free, to engage in Masonry.
all the other shit, about ancient secret mystical knowledge, and service to "Lucifer the Light Bringer" is just stagecraft to frighten and fascinate the rubes.
and then there's REAL secret societies...