^^ Actually, science is still mostly theory. You are judging science by some advocates who've probably never studied any science beyond high-school.
Let me also add one of the core principles of scientific methodology that differentiates it from pseudoscience: science is based on evidence NOT proofs. Proofs is what you find in pseudoscience, faulty research methods, media, and from people whose primary source of scientific literature is Google searches and reading abstracts.
Although the two words may seem to be antonyms, the distinction is clear in linguistics. Example of proof: I saw a sports car drifting, leaving skid marks on the road, and parking across the street. Example of evidence: I saw parallel skid marks on the road and a sports car parked across the street.
Unfortunately, the aforementioned types of pseudoscientific and ignorant people give a bad name to real, legit science.
So, evolution, be it adaptation or cladistic homoplasy, in legit scientific literature is always associated with evidence. Likewise, there is a lot of evidence for evolution, not proof. Now read this last line while keeping above distinction of proof vs evidence in mind.