Second Grow 1st journal...4 plant closet grow cfls


Well-Known Member
very nice man, u doin the whole party cup contest?
Thank you thank you...but i feel like i have to, its gonna be way to fun not to join lol

[QUOTE="SICC";3565630]Lookin great, they should start fattening up soon :weed: [/QUOTE]

Thanks man, yeah they've been puttin on a lil weight here and there i cant wait til they really start to


Well-Known Member
wasnt really knocking em just sayin id rather grow a cool strain for the comp lol....but the plants i got goin now are bagseed and theyre comin along alright


Well-Known Member
looks good man! when you say bagseed .. what kind of bag .. mids . schwag?? or headies? I'm doing my first grow with cfl ... i used some ..of each in my cab. 6 females 2 mids, 2 huckabee, and 2 of some hydro i managed to score in an area where hydro could be considered high mids.. Anyways just asking, My huckabee seeds are HUGE girls ....too huge as a matter of fact. But its producing an amazing amount of bud sites. Just hope you can get a few more lights in there.... just for good measure.. Great looking grow though. (((((( sorry a little late in the thread, but if you're still having a problem with that second plant, I agree with SICC... I had the same problem ..i wasn't sure if it was overwatering or PH ... but i think i narrowed the same leaf curling issue with my plants down to PH.. oh yeah ...get those sweet molasses too!!!!!!!!!! take care brotha


Well-Known Member
not really sure...i collected my bagseeds for about a year in the same cup...and then chose from i have no idea what they were lol


Well-Known Member
sorry guys lol...umm they're looking...alright i suppose...friday will be 8 weeks since sex was shown...i will give em theyre last bit of food on that day and flush them with molassas after that and harvest some time next week towards the end probly maybeeee hmm that following sunday? the 24th it would be..thatll make it 9wks 2days from sex shown...i took a few clones(3) a couple days ago and we will see how they come along within the next week or so as well...i want 2 mothers and 1 to enter into the party cup tourney from them...hopefully they all live...if they dont live i might have to try n re-veg my plants after harvest to try n get of my buddies and I are gonna split a pack of Fem Kings Kush seeds sometime soon too from Herbies Headshop...for those of you who havent heard of it its OG kush x Grape...sounds incredible to me lol...they are from Green House seedbank...My next grow, aside from the party cup tourney, will be done in a 5 gal bucket using bubbleponics...2 plants and SCROG maybe...havent decided yet on how to maximize yeild with using only cfls...i feel scrog would work really well...well thats about all the rambling i can do for now...any questions or anything feel free to ask


Well-Known Member
will do....i ordered some ocean forest online last night so i can start the party cup comp...hopefully thatll get here soon


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics....1st few of the plants obv...theyre a little unhealthy and i think thats because my Ph meter broke early on in the grow...but thats alright i have a digital one coming in the mail with my soil...but anyways the next pic is of my next grow, a bubble bucket with a net i built about 10" from the top that i havent finished weaving yet that im gonna attempt to SCROG...and the last pics are of the clones im attempting and the box theyre in that that ill be growing my party cups in



Well-Known Member
My ocean forest came in today!!! plugged 2 seeds in party cups...gonna wait and see if 2 of those clones root before i start the other 2