Second grow, First Journal!


Well-Known Member
I see, would there be an extra 400w? What wold you do with that one if you go the cool tube?
I would have 2 400 watt cool tubes,they will both be hanging above the plants, like outside air>cooltube#1>1'of ducting>cooltube#2>6"400cfm inline fan> ducting to another room(hoping itll keep my room warmer this winter :))

and it would all be across the 76"x76" tentt in the middle like where the ducts are on the left and right... if that all makes sense


Well-Known Member
yeah your fems will be beautiful :D!! how're the others doing?
the 2 in flower?
they are doing great, Im not sure if they are getting fatter or im just thinking they are. but either way, They are lookin great, im guessing about 5 more weeks
Ill get some pictures up when I get the time, just started a job, And i started school about 3 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
hey all sorry I havent put up picture lately, But I just wanted to say, I went and checked on the hemie/female god knows what it is thing, and I started to see where all the seed are gunna pop :D
They have 1-2 resin covered pods every node :D I feel like Ill get holy amount of beans :D