Secound Try?

hey guys, before i was talking about starting to go in a pc grow box but a lot of you said that was a bad idea and it was to much work for the yeild back and it wasnt worth it. I have moved on and looked into boxes and cabinets but i also still need a stealthy grow. Would a old dresser work for me? 1 foot tall, 14 inches deep and 19 1/2 inches wide.


Active Member
That's still really small man, you might get a lil more out of that than a pc case but not by much.


Active Member
I'd like to see you pull 4oz out of a space that's less than 2 square feet and only a foot tall. Even using t5's (3" of vertical space) and 4" tall pots he'd only have 5" on space for plant material. Sorry but it's not going to happen. Double the available headroom and maybe he could get a decent yield from it. Still wouldn't bank on 4oz though, least not the first or second grow.
Well I have been looking around and I don't think I am going to grow with in my requirements so I think I might have to go bigger. I know some people that have had good turn-outs from cabinets and I see people growing out of a PC case without using auto flowering plants I really really really do not want to have to do that. Any ideas of what i should do help :(


Active Member
Look into rubbermaid tub grows, I've seen a couple of pretty good ones and it'd still be pretty stealthy if you do it right. Or look into getting a small 3 drawer dresser for cheap on craigslist or something. There are a lot of possibilities, just gotta see what wouldn't be out-of-place in the room you'd have it in.