seed from good batch with retarded leaves


Well-Known Member
so i had 2 plants, got a seed from a really got batch i had, said screw it ill throw it some soil, so far all the 5 tailed leaves have this sixth toe on the end lol. And yes i know the leaf has a brown tip, a certain nutrient was locked out because i didnt flush my mg before transferring from jiffy seedling starter to the mg. Fixed that though.

Anyone seen this before though? Does it specify a certain strain or just a "special" plant



Active Member
Sorry! I realized my answer didn't answer anything. Hopefully someone can teach us something about the weird leaves. I have noticed that on some leaves like this I get buds coming from the actual leaf itself. I made a thread on it a while ago... it's happened in a few grows of mine now. It's kind of fun to get a unique plant... as long as it's not showing a lot of other mutations.


Well-Known Member

so its a common thing im taking it? Your very right i havent grown much, yet. Thought it was pretty cool though lol


Active Member
Yeah pretty common of the 8 or so strains I've grown most had some kind of extra leaf. Best of luck with the grow :bigjoint: