Seed germinating: I had in glass of water then paper towel 24 hours after it sank.

And the seed shell has cracked I see the root through the crack but it isn't a tail it's still way too small after 6 days in the paper towel I've always had 100% success rate on normal seeds this is my first autoflowering seed. I do t know what I did wrong but im in Illinois so it's cold and dry but I e done it same way I've always done. And I am not sure if it is dead or what like it has half the shell falling off it's weird. I don't know if it's just taking longer or what? Any information on this would be helpful I am in new territory here lol I don't know if this will still root or not it's been 7th day today? Should I buy some root stuff that you can put on your seeds to help grow? This is my first autoflowering seed so idk. I've read about the root growing stuff to help it may help still it may not I just don't wanna lose it if I can help it but I have started another it sank today so tomorrow I'll put on paper towels and maybe because the cold and dryness but it's 70-74 degrees room temp in here just it's not getting warmth at all to give it humidity I have my tent ready with lights, fans, exhaust, all nutrients etc. But I've never grown a auto before so I wanna just work on one at a time.


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if it is in the mid 70's and in a moist paper towel, you shouldn't have to worry about the humidity level in the room. its in a moist paper towel... I don't use the cup of water/ paper towel method... I use a heating mat, humidity dome, and peat pellets and I have so far had 100% success rate with that... If I had to guess... I'd say your seed is a lost cause. I have cracked autos and photos... there is not difference in germing the seeds. I wouldn't let this turn you off autos. I can promise you it had nothing to do with that... could just be good old fashioned bad luck this time.
if it is in the mid 70's and in a moist paper towel, you shouldn't have to worry about the humidity level in the room. its in a moist paper towel... I don't use the cup of water/ paper towel method... I use a heating mat, humidity dome, and peat pellets and I have so far had 100% success rate with that... If I had to guess... I'd say your seed is a lost cause. I have cracked autos and photos... there is not difference in germing the seeds. I wouldn't let this turn you off autos. I can promise you it had nothing to do with that... could just be good old fashioned bad luck this time.
Yes your explanation makes sense I just don't want to give up on it to soon you know it's still changing day to day very little bit but it does like the kicking off the one side of the shell happened the day before yesterday so im thinking of that clone spray or root stuff u roll your seeds in I've never had to use it this is my first bad seed I couldn't bring back to life so far in 15 years so it's been seven days I have on a low setting heat pad now for 30-60 mins at a time in dark place im thinking of going to get that root stuff since I do clones anyways but im not sure if I should do it this late it's a special root stuff that u can roll your seeds in before you pop in the paper towel part when it's damp towels.and your done with it soaking in a glass of water. I wanna grow indoors through winters but it is really dry in here but it's in a baggie with wet paper towels and it cracked what's up with that?
It is dry where I am at also... Cold and dry... I bought a $50 programmable humidifier to put in my tent... They have humidifiers at Walmart. Get one and put everything in a small room. It won't be too hard to maintain a pretty descent environment for growing.
I have these humidity pellets that bring your humidity up or down to 65% at all times but I am thinking of getting a humidifier for sure then these pellets are amazingly right on. I have 3 bedrooms and 1 is my mj room and I have bought a tent to keep them in I have fans and all the things necessary a grow light it's awesome LED light one of those full spectrum lights look like UFOs lol but why is this seed pushing out but no tail I got a bad Gene one idk??? Lol I have never had this happen luckily where I bought I have an insurance policy on it I bought 9 seeds from growers choice and just one means that 90% of the seeds would germinate according to them using their paper towel method and I did it their way so they owe me my full seeds reshipped so that's a plus! But I feel like I did so.ething and the seeds I have germinated ranged from Mexican brick weed to I found a few seeds in my medical weed so last summer I started them inside and grew them outside so that worked so why wouldn't the seeds I bought work very frustrating. I've never had an autoflowering seed so yes this is my first seed in that aspect but it's the same just grows quicker?!
I want to thank everyone that replies you see the seed can it be saved? That's all I'd like to know, I mean im gonna give it full 14 days to see but I started one yesterday in glass of water and then put in paper towel and plastic bag then on a plate and on low on a heat pad. And it already has root coming out it's been 30 hours maybe..... And the other is almost ready to plant lol.
try directly sowing into soil immediately after seeing it crack and the tail of the root poking through. i feel that the longer they sit in water and paper towels the chance for success is diminishing. that's just my feeling. just a side note, the whole paper towel thing derives from a seed viability test. why then guys and gals, are we testing for viability? assume they are viable and want to get in soil asap! my latest method involves soaking in water for 12 hours or until the seed sinks than place seed below soil about a fingernails depth. don't over water! keep her warm..
I used heating pad method worked like a charm I've done it the paper towel way before but they were seeds for outside and was summer so it was warmer obviously. Lol


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Thanks I need the luck! If I make it into 4th week I will be so happy. I have a feeding formula but I don't trust it b cause their are two copies same but diff amounts of nutrients lol one says 6 tbs one says 1/2 tsp a week of the nutrients im following the smaller amount one! Is this what I should do?
Thanks I need the luck! If I make it into 4th week I will be so happy. I have a feeding formula but I don't trust it b cause their are two copies same but diff amounts of nutrients lol one says 6 tbs one says 1/2 tsp a week of the nutrients im following the smaller amount one! Is this what I should do?
Hold your horses... i wouldnt be thinking about adding nutrients just yet ,the seedling has enough nutrients for the first few weeks of life wait till it grows for 20 days then start at 1/4 of the lowest dose suggested.
It is dry where I am at also... Cold and dry... I bought a $50 programmable humidifier to put in my tent... They have humidifiers at Walmart. Get one and put everything in a small room. It won't be too hard to maintain a pretty descent environment for growing.
I bought just a 29.99$ one then went onsale for $19.99 it's a Honeywell brand works great have to fill up once a day maybe like once in the day then once at like 2am depends which setting the low setting has my humidity up in the high 60's and if I have it up on high it's around 85% humidity so im good on low, my temp is always between 70°-80° and at night my humidity if I turn the machine off it's still wet soil so it gives off 63% ish humidity 95% of time and only gets down to 65° when lights are out so im happy with this because the autoflower plants actually came from cooler climates hence the fast growing period. Like Eastern Europe,even Poland,Russia I find that quite cool the bonzai of the middle East lol! That should bring peace! Their opiate fields are going to our "USA" medical military bases and then to our hospitals like they bought that stuff from some science lab in Indonesia,Russia, Saudi Arabia who knows where for pennies and we pay up the yin and our Yang's for these cures that they won't give to people below a certain poverty line! And I hope Trump changes this but I think he will save his friends and their families first I mean I get it but if theirs enough distribute it!