Seed in pot 2 days and no show

seed goes in paper towel for 3 days in airing cuboard then tap root comes out about 2-3mm so they get planted in coco pro plus soil soaked before seed was planted.
2days later and they still havent popped there heads.
Seeds planted quarter inch down..
Only PH 6.5 water.. they havent been watered since planted and soil is still super damp.

Any ideas???


Well-Known Member
Agreed with both of the above posts. Since you have a tap root, they should be growing so give it more time. How wet was your medium if it still hasn't dried yet? I use root cubes for my seedlings and the idea is to keep them moist, not soaking wet.


Well-Known Member
Also aggree with above replies but you can always take a peek and see what's going on as long as youto don't expose the root to light or remove it from the medium..good luck. What strain are you growing?


Well-Known Member
I was checking a seed once, and seen it sticking out out of the dirt. I thought I flick a piece of bark off of it and the whole thing comes out. The tap root was 6" long, so I put it back. -That plant only got about 18" tall and got almost an oz dry. Then had a couple grow up side down. So wait or you could dig carefully a see,,,rw
I was checking a seed once, and seen it sticking out out of the dirt. I thought I flick a piece of bark off of it and the whole thing comes out. The tap root was 6" long, so I put it back. -That plant only got about 18" tall and got almost an oz dry. Then had a couple grow up side down. So wait or you could dig carefully a see,,,rw
Thanks guys.. crit+
Ok 2 days have passed and nothing.. nada... ok so i have bought 3 sweet special auto and 5 critical+ and planted them all .. only 1 has sprouted...
Am i seriously doing anything wrong???
Soaked in ph 6.5 water for 24 hours then put in paper towel until tap root comes out.. then put in 1 liter pots under 400w Metal halide.
what am i doing wrong most of the seeds look like they have just frozen in motion and dont wanna grow no more.
Temps - 23c to 27c
soil temp 25c
water ph 6.5
No nutes only water


Well-Known Member
Ok 2 days have passed and nothing.. nada... ok so i have bought 3 sweet special auto and 5 critical+ and planted them all .. only 1 has sprouted...
Am i seriously doing anything wrong???
Soaked in ph 6.5 water for 24 hours then put in paper towel until tap root comes out.. then put in 1 liter pots under 400w Metal halide.
what am i doing wrong most of the seeds look like they have just frozen in motion and dont wanna grow no more.
Temps - 23c to 27c
soil temp 25c
water ph 6.5
No nutes only water
i dont soak my seeds, i always put them in a paper towel and mist it until its moist. a week or so they are ready to be planted.


Active Member
they will come up, just need to be patient with your babies.. as said above you could carefully dig and inspect just under the surface of the soil,, I soak my seeds until the taproot comes out about 2-3mm as also said above,, place taproot downward.
give it a few more days and then dig : ) ,, whats your humidity at?


Active Member
they will come up, just need to be patient with your babies.. as said above you could carefully dig and inspect just under the surface of the soil,, I soak my seeds until the taproot comes out about 2-3mm as also said above,, place taproot downward.
give it a few more days and then dig : ) ,, whats your humidity at?

also,, what kind of buckets? you should use opaque buckets, your roots are very sensitive to light


Active Member
from what ive read, you should have 70-100% for seedlings 60-80 for vegging plants and 50-60 for flowering plants. I have a tent with 5 seedlings in it at the moment and my RH is right around 70%, in my other tent i have one girl whos about 5wks into flowering and the RH stays between 45-55%
Thanks jody709 i didnt know that, but i will defo take note next time.
I opened the soil and took seeds out to see how long tap root had grown and nothing in 2 days more than what they was.
By taking them out while i was directly under Metal hallide would that have killed them?


Well-Known Member
Yep, just takes patience... If u used the paper towel method to germ, and had a taproot when u placed them in the medium, then as long as u have a low-nute, perlite/peat moss heavy soil(if u grow in soil like I do), then as long as u planted them right side up, u shouldnt be having any issues... I like to wait until my taproot is long enough that the embryotic leaves are there before I put them into my seedling trays, and I leave the embryotic leaves just about a half-inch above the soil line, and there ya go... I like to water my young plants almost exclusively with my liquid seaweed/distilled water mix...


Active Member
im going to get a tray of rapid rooters next time around, recommend ? i will also let my tap roots come out more before planting.
thank you


Active Member
its hard to say just yea you killed em.. the only way to know is to leave them in the dirt : ) ive read in some peoples grow journals that some seedlings take up to 10 days to sprout from the soil. just need to be patient :)

good luck


Active Member
I would really suggest that you try using these root cubes once your seeds have germed:

I always use these for my grows and have absolutely no problems with the seedlings growing. Once the roots have started to show, then I just plant the whole root cube into soil. Also, I prefer using a CFL for my seedlings.
Hey man, thats some good info i was thinking about buying those tomorrow when im buying my soil!

What do you do with the root cubes after you have placed your germinated seeds iin them? Do you leave them somewere warm with no direct light untill the roots come out or what?