Seed Pictures

This is dedicated to the stoner's out there (you know: the minority, the 1%):

20 minutes of cannabis s33ds swirling around in water in slow motion (240fps)

@ Ciscoin - I love orange and pineapple scented buds. When I was a kid I thought they just threw a slice of orange in with the flowers while they were drying to get that wonderful flavor and smell!

@ Temis - Thanks for the seed pics - That is quite an impressive collection of top notch genetics!

I have enlarged for our viewing pleasure :)

This is dedicated to the stoner's out there (you know: the minority, the 1%):

20 minutes of cannabis s33ds swirling around in water in slow motion (240fps)

wow watching the seeds swim around is more interesteing then watching a tankful of fish to me. soooo mezmerizing. its like the best video ever. thanks doobz.
Hello all, I figured I show some beans. Sorry my pics are bad cause my hands shake alot.

Here is my binder with business card sleeves but I fill them with beans.

Pre-98 x Cougar Kush F2s (Cross I made)
DSC01018 - Copy.JPGDSC01018.jpg

These are very special beans to me, they are called Mamadude, that was my mom's nickname. She was a ganja queen, she passed away almost 3 years ago and when she was dying with cancer she asked me to grow these beans for her. They came from her weed which was Sour Diesel x Blueberry. So I grew them out and sadly she passed right before I harvested them. So thats why these are my very best beans in my collection!!! Thats what my username is F.M.I.L.Y (Forever Mom I Love You)

Mamadude (Sour Diesel x Blueberry)

Here is another interesting cross K.O Kush.

Not sure what seed company this is but the strain is DPQ F2. ;-)

Excellent thread MO!!!+REP


Theres only a couple beans left in those packs i grew everything out,got sum growing now kandy kush snowland and stacked kush going to update my blog in 2 days
LoL for real cracks me up when ass holes chime in on shit and alls they can say is ur dumb because i mispell sum words OH FUCKING WELL BITE ME