seed planting direction


Active Member
as my internet has been shaped i cannt watch guides and such and couldnt find the answer on the FAQ , this is a super noob question but once the seed germinate and you place it in the soil does it matter which way you place it? do you place it with the sprout facing down into the soil or upwards?


Well-Known Member
I heard conflicting info on I just went with the most logical. Since the sprout coming out of the seed is the tap root...I planted mine taproot pointing down...into the soil.

All plants sprouted so I stick with that.


Well-Known Member
i planted some seeds sidways then dug it up a little bit and the tap root was growing down so i don't think it matters the tap root will find a way to grow down. my problem is i want to keep digging it up to look at it because their not breaking the surface yet i wonder if their growing at all i wonder if i killed it


Well-Known Member
If planted as soon as you see the taproot poking out of the seed...It'll still take a day or two...maybe even 3 before you see it pop its head out of the soil. Be patient. Once a seed has germ'd and is planted...Give it some time...more than likely it'll sprout.


Well-Known Member
yeah I just planted some seeds after germination and I planted them down I have pics at the journal I am keeping on this maui waui hybrid I am growing............

good luck to you~


Well-Known Member
Hey I've done it both ways. Tap root down is natural, however in Jorge cervantes' book it says you can put the taproot up in the rockwool or medium...the taproot will automatically go down, only advantage to the taproot up is that it will create kind of a twist and make for a stronger root base. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
dude my taproot tried going back down and i even tried helping it by attempting to poke a hole in the rockwool and it gave up going down and is in the AIR, and i think small leaves growing inside the cube.....


Well-Known Member
I must admit I dug down a couple of times to see if my seeds had made any progress at all too, literally planted about 2 days ago now, and they're breaking surface no problem at the moment... I'm a first timer too so I think you end up just thinking about it too much. As long as you don't let the soil dry or over-water it, you should be fine.

I planted mine with tap root down or to the side, and i must admit the one with it pointing down is definately doing the best of 3. Good luck dude.