Seed Production. A Tutorial


Well-Known Member
ha ha. copy that. might end up being the smallest least potent bud there is. then i'll call it ODULES BUD. just enough to get you arrested for smellin like it lol


Well-Known Member
You miss the point.. Its about stability.. Good weed can be born from weed that doesn't seem so good in the early generations.. Don't get me wrong, if you gotta choose, breed the dank one..:)


Well-Known Member
i was wanting to use one male phenoe type on 1 bud,then use another male phenoe type that each pollen reseptor acts individually.thanks,on a seperate bud on the same plant,i know its risky and you dont know if pollen is getting around,but are you saying that 1 bud pollinated by 2 differant pollen donors could give 2 differant seeds.


Well-Known Member
if you dont want the males seeding the females you can pick the male and take a branch with a nice flower and put it in a cup of water for a few weeks and let it open up. once you see the pollen you can just sprinkle the branch over the spots you want seeded single branch lower branches ect. make sure fans are off or its not a windy dAY. THIS SHOULD WORK WITH OUT SEEDING YOUR WHOLE CROP. SORRY for stealing your thread. but i have just decided to polinate one of my sshaze clones and a blue dream clone crossed with a white rhino male. idk about male yet ill see what i get. good luck every one.


Well-Known Member
I just found this thread while I was looking for your outdoor grow. Very easy advice to follow. Thanks man!


Active Member
Pollinated a nl clone couple days ago that was little over two weeks into flower using this method with some pollen i took from a nl male last fall. My first time trying and the hairs have not turned brown like in the tutorial. Never put the pollen in the freezer or anything just had it in a small sealed plastic container in a cabinet at normal room temps or a little lower(my house is a bit cold at times and it is winter here). My question is might it still work and is the pollen any good if it is that old and not stored in freezer? Pollen is probably 5 or 6 months old. Also i read another tutorial that was almost exactly the same from another site and they suggest using a veg formula fertlizer for the pollinated plant. Would you also Fdd? Thanks in adavance for any replies.


Well-Known Member
Pollinated a nl clone couple days ago that was little over two weeks into flower using this method with some pollen i took from a nl male last fall. My first time trying and the hairs have not turned brown like in the tutorial. Never put the pollen in the freezer or anything just had it in a small sealed plastic container in a cabinet at normal room temps or a little lower(my house is a bit cold at times and it is winter here). My question is might it still work and is the pollen any good if it is that old and not stored in freezer? Pollen is probably 5 or 6 months old. Also i read another tutorial that was almost exactly the same from another site and they suggest using a veg formula fertlizer for the pollinated plant. Would you also Fdd? Thanks in adavance for any replies.

i tried using 6 month old pollen recently and it did not work.

i feed mine just as i normally would. i do feed small doses of veg while i flower. i do this for all my plants though.


Active Member
Thanks for your reply fdd. Looks like i have to order some more seeds then because the last of my seeds just sprouted and i will not be able to get pollen and breed them for my outdoor. Which sucks cuz i am broke... Peace


Well-Known Member
very nice... looks like something i'll try this weekend.

the male has some baggies wrapped around the larger 'cola' and i've been catching a bit of spooey. Man, it would take some doing to get a serious amount of it. I'll just have to make do. ;-)

my boy is a Mr. Nice (g13xhashplant) and the girl will be a horny little White Russian (ak47xwhitewidow). Hopefully i'll be able to meet a 'Nice Russian'.


Well-Known Member
Two days ago I extracted pollen from a male Sandstorm. I painted the pollen on the hairs of devolping buds on a White Rhino female and I still have yet to see a response? The pollen was extracted that day but fell off naturally. I tapped the pollen sacs that were open and pollen dust fell onto my white paper and I used that. Am I doing anything wrong?


Well-Known Member
Two days ago I extracted pollen from a male Sandstorm. I painted the pollen on the hairs of devolping buds on a White Rhino female and I still have yet to see a response? The pollen was extracted that day but fell off naturally. I tapped the pollen sacs that were open and pollen dust fell onto my white paper and I used that. Am I doing anything wrong?
sounds right to me. :-|

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
like he said sounds right. in my experience the pistils that have been pollinated normally die turning brown or red as there job of catching pollen is accomplished. this sometimes takes a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok. Well I'll wait a few more days and see what happens. If they didn't catch.. oh well, I have a better Sandstorm pheno about to burst.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if the pollen was fresh like you said you will almost certainly get seeds. i pollinated a og kush pheno a while back and could not tell if i was succesfull until i harvested the seeds were hidden and began to show as the buds dryed out. its obvious with some strains when there forming seeds others are hard to tell depending on bud structure and density.