Seed shell problem


Well-Known Member
it kinda feels as if ill rip the plant outta the soil if i try..
should i give it another day or so? i know the first leaves should
be showing after a week tho, and they kinda are i just dont
know if they are gettin enough light to sustain it :cry:


Active Member
Well check out my grow journal..I had 5 fem NLxSkunk, fuckin 3 rotted or some shit in a dumbass vermiculite mix i made, i had two left an the others
already planted..just i want this one too :cry:
I've had this problem before with seeds but eventually the seed shell fell off on its own. The last batch of skunk that I did had two seeds that wouldn't let go of the husk. After about 3 weeks in soil both of them finally let go of the husk. I wouldn't pull it off. I tried this too on my first grow and tore the whole damn head and root in half.


The exact problem happen to me yesterday....take it off carefully to insure no harm is done to plant....the tip of my 1st leaves turned yellow but it seems to be healing since i've done it.......


Well-Known Member
I've had this problem before with seeds but eventually the seed shell fell off on its own. The last batch of skunk that I did had two seeds that wouldn't let go of the husk. After about 3 weeks in soil both of them finally let go of the husk. I wouldn't pull it off. I tried this too on my first grow and tore the whole damn head and root in half.
Ok, i appreciate it man. It looks like it'll be off in another day or so
anyway but if yours went for 3 weeks then im reassured :eyesmoke: