seed sprouted, but, after placed in soil, has not risen above the soil....


Active Member
Well that's basically it.... I spray with water 2 or 3 times a day, making sure the top is slightly moist.

Incidentally it was a freebie, mandarin cream, sweet seeds.

I've got another seedling which is doing just fine, from sweet seeds also.

I've got them both under CFLs, at the moment, at around 84 degrees. Sometimes it gets a bit warmer, like 89 or 90.

Is it just a question of time???



Well-Known Member
and, 89-90 f is too hot... get a fan on them, over 86 f and you risk cooking anything MJ...
You see the temp hit 89-90... what's the real temp at the top of your plants ? 95+ roasting away....


New Member
Depending on the seed and your environment sprouting can take a while, give it time and stuff, I personally am using foxfarm ocean forest and it works fine. As for your tempature, your going to want it to be much cooler. "With normal levels of CO2, in a well vented space, 90 degrees would seem to be the absolute max, while 85 may be closer to optimum, even with a great deal of light available. Do not let the room temperature get over 35 C (95 F) as this hurts growth. Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth."


Active Member
How deep did you plant the sprout?
If while watering, it got pushed too deep or turned in the soil- it may not be able to reach the surface...

Patience-- but if you started it at the same time as the other- and in 3-4 more days it isn't showing- use gloved hands to carefully look for it and get it replanted correctly...
taproot down with the seed-shell just barely showing AT the surface of the soil... make sure you aren't drowning it.. !
;) Good luck hun!


Active Member
Thanks all. And Lady Zandra. incidentally the taproot was parellel to the edge of the seed, effectively making it difficult to get the tap root down, but I believe as down as possible. With just the top, slightly showing....

I did touch it with my hands when planting....I was as careful as I could be, but maybe I harmed the seed???! Let see how it goes..

Maybe I need to turn out one of the lights, because that's whats creating the heat. At the moment we're at 83 degrees,,,



Well-Known Member
Next time just plant your seed in moist warm soil and completely avoid this step and chance to screw things up. In nature seeds germinate in soil, not paper towels.


Active Member
Next time just plant your seed in moist warm soil and completely avoid this step and chance to screw things up. In nature seeds germinate in soil, not paper towels.
Best advice yet. I starded out with shot glasses and water, paper towels and had nothing but problems. Once I starded sowing into soil I never had a problem again. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
Um...just how many days has it been in soil?

My method, which works and should work for you (but is nothing special): drop seed in glass of water for 8-24 hours. I do not remove seed until I see a crack and emerging taproot. Moisten soil in solo cup thoroughly, then wait 15 mins or so. Poke small hole in soil, approximately 1/2" deep. Drop seed in hole, cover with soil and then place plastic bag with holes for air over cup top, hold with rubber band. The bag holds the moisture in.


My seedlings usually come up 2-4 days after dropping them in the hole.

You can likely skip the glass of water though.


Well-Known Member
yeah who cares about cultivation.
What do you consider "cultivation"? Cultivation means to encourage the development of something. Killing seeds in paper towels and shot glasses of water is not cultivation.