Pretty much the final configuration progress & updates is gonna be slow for the time being then2 plants I'm gonna run are in 3 gal smart pots using ROYAL GOLD TUPUR a coco based product with other stuff too I'll be using megacrop to veg & megacrop part B to finish drain to waste right now in using the syringe to put nutrients at the base of the seedlings instead of flooding the entire pot until the plants get bigger this is the most slow & boring part of the entire grow 20211016_132058.jpg20211016_132052.jpg20211016_132040.jpg20211016_132007.jpg
Hi Herk!! First of all, congrats on the new leg. I expect it will aid your recovery, especially now you're more mobile in your grow tent! So happy for you, must have been tough!

Your grow is looking very nice!! As an experienced shed grower, I'll just as for some basics you might have already thought about but would have saved me a lot of grief:

- Make sure your plants are off the ground, with something in between, shed floors can get cold if in a colder climate!
- With this relatively cold running light you will need some extra space heating!
- Go extra on the reflective tape, make sure you don't directly blow your hot air to outside, in our country we have infrared choppers and drones.
- Most fans(if not insulated boxfans) andespecially the dimmers on the fans, make a lot of noise, consider neignours!

Just looking out for you buddy, I know you are experienced but these things I didn't think about at first!

Wish you lots of luck on the grow and recovery, Ill be in touch!! Hug Bud
Hi Herk!! First of all, congrats on the new leg. I expect it will aid your recovery, especially now you're more mobile in your grow tent! So happy for you, must have been tough!

Your grow is looking very nice!! As an experienced shed grower, I'll just as for some basics you might have already thought about but would have saved me a lot of grief:

- Make sure your plants are off the ground, with something in between, shed floors can get cold if in a colder climate!
- With this relatively cold running light you will need some extra space heating!
- Go extra on the reflective tape, make sure you don't directly blow your hot air to outside, in our country we have infrared choppers and drones.
- Most fans(if not insulated boxfans) andespecially the dimmers on the fans, make a lot of noise, consider neignours!

Just looking out for you buddy, I know you are experienced but these things I didn't think about at first!

Wish you lots of luck on the grow and recovery, Ill be in touch!! Hug Bud
You just touched on the next items on my list of things to do I'm using the can style 6 inch exhaust fans & a mini heater from one of my other tents it has a built in timer , thermostat & 2-speed fan not much bigger than a beer can in gonna lay down a peice of 1 inch styrofoam insulation on the floor of the tent to get my pots off the concrete I've got about a month before cold hits I'm the foothills of the sierra nevada mountains in California once every few years it might snow but winters pretty mild up to 6 plants legal here this is the slowest most boring part of the grow20211018_171914.jpg20211018_171635.jpg20211018_171746.jpg
Ah good!! Yeah I wondered that climate might not be a issue for you. But good you anticipated on it!
That styrofoam is going to save a lot of trouble! And how wonderful to be able to grow without the breath of 'the man' breathing down your neck :P

Good luck!! If any questions just hook me up!!
Ah good!! Yeah I wondered that climate might not be a issue for you. But good you anticipated on it!
That styrofoam is going to save a lot of trouble! And how wonderful to be able to grow without the breath of 'the man' breathing down your neck :P

Good luck!! If any questions just hook me up!!
Its gonna be a bit before this resembles a grow I usually clone your input appreciated I'll keep an eye on your progress as I get this up to speed
Seems to take forever to get the babies past this weak & fragile stage of the grow if you're gonna lose a plant it's usually right in here it happens clones are faster to work with in my opinion20211019_195426.jpg20211019_195300.jpg20211019_195241.jpg
Slow but sure I'm getting progress & as I'm at a slow part of the grow I'm using this slack time to accumulate things I'm gonna need next move is to get a thermal barrier between the bottoms of my puts & the follor which underneath the tent is concrete raised the light to 36 inches(1 meter) above the seedlings @25% power the larger round pots are the plants I'm gonna run for this grow next on my to-do list is gonna be the scrog 20211021_114640.jpg20211021_114621.jpg20211021_114614.jpg20211021_114607.jpg
Hi Herk! Looking at those seedlings, with the real black earth and the green seedblocks, Im thinking you're watering just a tad over; try to give them time to breathe, with every grow I give them only once in two to three days, to help them search for water and make bigger roots.

This prevents all kinds of problems especially in a shed grow!

Those adult plants, what are those?
Hi Herk! Looking at those seedlings, with the real black earth and the green seedblocks, Im thinking you're watering just a tad over; try to give them time to breathe, with every grow I give them only once in two to three days, to help them search for water and make bigger roots.

This prevents all kinds of problems especially in a shed grow!

Those adult plants, what are those?
The adult plants are from & 3-thirteen both breeders are members esos is known as the notsoesentric here not sure if I spelled that right 3-thirteen is hydro reds creation the esos strain is called welchie & has grape berry terps & the 3-thirteen strain is called citrus milf & smells of oranges that comes later in flower I also belong to another forum that is more breeder orientated than here I get a lot of my strains there from members I let my seedlings get too dry & lost a couple then made the mistake of over correcting you're right about the overwatering
The 2 plants in the round pots on the ends are the plants for this grow they're starting to show signs of progress I have a few more simple items left & this is ready to kick off the biggest item being the scrog net I'm actually considering ordering a store bought one instead of building one 20211022_143720.jpg20211022_143615.jpg20211022_143609.jpg
Today's pictures they're starting to program weve still got a long ways to go today is one week since putting these into the 3 gal smart pots 20211023_125826.jpg20211023_125806.jpg20211023_125748.jpg
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Test fired my fireplace this morning to make sure chimney , vents & fans all in working order weekend rain storm blew in colder weather still a few weeks or longer off20211023_104752.jpg
I'm going over things & getting ready to accumulate the things needed to get our final configuration together my goal is to have things simple that anyone can duplicate with common available stuff & get similar results the oversize pans are from a local dollar store any pan will work I prefer them to be 2-1/2 -3 inches deep & 2 inches bigger around than the 3 gal smart pots so I can feed & allow runoff to accumulate 1-2 inches deep in the bottom of the pan within 24 hrs the plant will wick the excess up I feed once every 3 days sooner in hot weather it's kind of a combination of drain to waste & hempy very easy to do as I'll demonstrate later in the grow if anyone cares to follow I've got to buy one more pan I'm also gonna make a funnel & hose to reach the pots after I fit the scrog I'll post pics when I do this here is a pic with the oversize drop on in place20211024_122953.jpg20211024_122638.jpg20211024_122607.jpg20211024_121232.jpg20211024_121111.jpg20211024_120639.jpg
I'm using royal gold tupur right out of the bag its coco based with Forrest humus & a few other things combined with megacrop is my preferred setup simple is best I say I prefer the megacrop single part however I sometimes add the part B to it in flower to experiment lately but have found no advantage to doing so I gonna return to using the one part for this grow as it's easier to use & gets good results 20211024_120604.jpg


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This tent is now pretty much in the configuration were gonna run with I've moved all but the super lemon crush out into the portable nursery 20211025_153740.jpg20211025_153719.jpg20211025_153715.jpg20211025_154004.jpg