Seed will not pop


Well-Known Member
It has been four days, seed will not pop a tap root.

My method that has worked in the past;

-place seed in glass of water until it sinks

-once it sinks, remove and do the damp paper towel covered plate method

-usually tap root sticks out within 36-48 hours and then I plant

Any tips/tricks? I have more seeds, I just don’t want to waste this one.
There’s absolutely no need for soaking and sinking. No need for paper towels. Solo cup with holes in the bottom and Black Gold Seedling Mix. Get it moist, poke a hole up to your first knuckle and drop a seed in. Cover it and pack it lightly but pack it. After that moisten lightly - really lightly - with a spray bottle. Be patient. You’ll get a stronger seedling in the process.
Tips? Tricks? Have you tried planting it? :wall:

I was waiting on the sarcasm to roll in. Lol. Just with my own experience which is relatively limited as I have only grown 8 plants in total; I have always done this method first while waiting for the tap root to pop before planting.
Fold seeds in a paper napkin, wet it, place napkin in a sandwich baggie (condensation buildup will keep napkin wet) and place baggie on a seedling heat mat. I have upper 90s% success rate with this method. Seeds usually crack within a few days although I have had some take a week. I use this method with veggie seeds as well; cuke, zucchini and summer squash. I've had some crack in just 24 hours.
Fold seeds in a paper napkin, wet it, place napkin in a sandwich baggie (condensation buildup will keep napkin wet) and place baggie on a seedling heat mat. I have upper 90s% success rate with this method. Seeds usually crack within a few days although I have had some take a week. I use this method with veggie seeds as well; cuke, zucchini and summer squash. I've had some crack in just 24 hours.

You pre-sprout vegetable seeds? Why?
You pre-sprout vegetable seeds? Why?
Get an early start on the season (I'm in MA). Come mid-May they're weeks ahead of where they'd be if I'd seeded directly in the garden. Plus it gives me something to look forward to in April when it can still be quite cold, even snow.
Fold seeds in a paper napkin, wet it, place napkin in a sandwich baggie (condensation buildup will keep napkin wet) and place baggie on a seedling heat mat. I have upper 90s% success rate with this method. Seeds usually crack within a few days although I have had some take a week. I use this method with veggie seeds as well; cuke, zucchini and summer squash. I've had some crack in just 24 hours.
Every veg you mentioned does better direct seeded, just my observation
Planting can take up to 2 weeks to get a sprout soaking paper towel then planting tap takes 4 to 5 days. There's to need for that method but it's nice cutting that sprout time in half. I've done both ways, it's getting out of season I'd just try another seed. If it's in season and seed won't pop I'll throw them in an outside planter and keep moist, sometimes you get a surprise. I prefer the 24 hr soak to soften the seed casing. Then I'll put seed in a folded up moist paper towel. Then I'll put paper towel in a misted ziplock back I'll seal the bag and throw it on a spare bedroom closet.
Planting can take up to 2 weeks to get a sprout soaking paper towel then planting tap takes 4 to 5 days. There's to need for that method but it's nice cutting that sprout time in half. I've done both ways, it's getting out of season I'd just try another seed. If it's in season and seed won't pop I'll throw them in an outside planter and keep moist, sometimes you get a surprise. I prefer the 24 hr soak to soften the seed casing. Then I'll put seed in a folded up moist paper towel. Then I'll put paper towel in a misted ziplock back I'll seal the bag and throw it on a spare bedroom closet.
Then what do you do with it?
Get an early start on the season (I'm in MA). Come mid-May they're weeks ahead of where they'd be if I'd seeded directly in the garden. Plus it gives me something to look forward to in April when it can still be quite cold, even snow.

Oh I get starting plants indoors. I do that with tomatoes, peppers, etc... Just never heard of anyone using paper towels with vegetable seeds.
I've always used the paper towel under plastic method. They usually spout in 24-48 hrs. And I usually keep them there until the root is out 1/4" or so, usually 2 days. If they don't in three days I toss them. Then put in small peat starter pot with a wet paper towel on the bottom of the tray and under a light 24hrs until it pops up, usually in 24 hrs. Once the roots are out the bottom of the starter pot then into the normal container. Very few seeds fail to sprout. I did have one last grow that didn't sprout but the seeds were getting on 2 years since I got them.

If you sow directly to soil then you have to wait around for a week to see if there is any success.

Now do you pick the shell off the newly sprouted girls before they fall off on their own?