Seedling disaster


New Member
Had an absolute disaster this morning, went to check my seedlings after transplanting them a day ago. Was happy with the progress until dog barged in and sent them all flying.

Two of the seedlings snapped in half and they’re now just 2 leaveless stems. Thinking the shock will kill them, but is it possible they’ll survive?

Germinating 2 more seeds just incase.
Thanks in advance!
We just brought a new pup home. Thought it would be fun, the kids need a dog, my little helper in the garden.

yeah right.My dog is banned from ever stepping foot in my grow space again. She eats plants.( all plants), knocks over everything, steals my tools and stuff as I’m working.

keep the pets out lol. Also I’ve always had the fear the dogs and cats can bring in pathogens or pest from playing out in the yard and woods.
We just brought a new pup home. Thought it would be fun, the kids need a dog, my little helper in the garden.

yeah right.My dog is banned from ever stepping foot in my grow space again. She eats plants.( all plants), knocks over everything, steals my tools and stuff as I’m working.

keep the pets out lol. Also I’ve always had the fear the dogs and cats can bring in pathogens or pest from playing out in the yard and woods.
i finally let my cat into my room everthing is harvested and i am about to deep clean but all those months of curiousity i let him in he looked around and left lol
We just brought a new pup home. Thought it would be fun, the kids need a dog, my little helper in the garden.

yeah right.My dog is banned from ever stepping foot in my grow space again. She eats plants.( all plants), knocks over everything, steals my tools and stuff as I’m working.

keep the pets out lol. Also I’ve always had the fear the dogs and cats can bring in pathogens or pest from playing out in the yard and woods.

Oh yes, as a pup she ate my entire garden. Had a gooseberry bush and she wasn’t content with just eating the fruit, all that remained was a stub.

Guess not all of them grow out of it