seedling issues


Well-Known Member
ok so i have finally overcome my germinating issue and have 1 seedling and 2 seeds about to sprout
1 autoberry /grapefruit mix and 2 bag seeds
problem my soil dries up real fast like over a couple of hours when i just spray it with a water bottle and wondering how often should i water them their in a half cup each but dont want to over water them .
can someone also post pics of their soil after watering so i can have a rough idea of what it should look like when fully watered
oh by the way i feed them with liquid sea weed mixed with water once a week the bottle says it promotes root growth bla bla is that ok
oh by the way im a newbie here so go easy lol


Well-Known Member
once they sprout they should have a 2-4" tap root, and you want them to stretch those roots to find water. switch from spraying to watering. Let the top dry out a bit, for seedlings I'd dry down to 2-3". Make sure it's getting evenly moistened so roots stretch.


Hello, for the first part of your question, I would switch to watering rather than spraying. you can tell if your soil needs to be watered in the seedling stage by sticking your finger about a 1/4th of an inch in the soil. If it is dry then go grab a watering container and water the soil making sure that you get all of the soil evenly and have about a 10 percent runoff of water.


Well-Known Member
you might want to use a humidity dome for a few days to help keep the moisture around the pot until she sprouts a little more. best to keep the soil moist, not wet. i'll sometimes use a shot glass to water them at this stage, just a little at a time. Take a little extra time with them at this stage as it's one of the most critical for the entire grow. and remember that if you mess something up, it's just a chance to learn a little more about what your plants want. hang in there and happy growing


Well-Known Member
100_0121.jpg100_0122.jpg here are some pics of my two sprouts the second one sprouted this moring but the first looks like it doesnt want to move any more advise will be welcome


looking like normal sprout. and you want to keep soil damp and avoid dry spots by adding some liquid soap to water roughly 1 to 2 drop per gallon, this will penetrate the soil more effectively