seedling leaves deformed when in propagation dome


New Member
When i leave the dome lid on the propagation tub (vents open), the seedlings tend to get deformed leaves once node 2 appears, not sick or deficient leaves but DEFORMED, like they have freaky fan leaves and stuff. Why is this?

medium - soil: Foxfarm w/ peat and perlite.

soil ph - 6.9

food - tsp of bio bizz per litre of h20.

lights - cfls

temp - 70F

i thought prop tubs helped small plants thrive but it seems to be having the "total recall" dome effects.


Well-Known Member
The genetics will variy because it is prob not a stable strain. Grow out a bunch so you can have the pic of the litter.


New Member
is there any other reason this might happen because despite the shitty strain, this only seems to occur in the dome.


I got a ? on deformed plants. I got 2week old bagseed under a 75w CFL and it has a seed still attachd and wierd thing also is it is missing a complete side of leafs and it is white where there should be but it still is growing a lil slowly, looks healthy. any1 expeience this? should i continue? srry No cam yet or pics