Seedling problems

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Going off of Google and 1 prior test agian with the test strips. Wont be able to get a test in until next weekend still not home. And really not watering untill run off occurs but I will on one of the runts to check. But agian will only be a test strip. Maybe I will do a side by side with two runts.
Ph meters are cheap. You can get a ph and tds combo for less than $15.

Just saying. Makes your life a hell of a lot easier than guessing and makes it so much easier to diagnose a problem.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
But they will also need a watering before I see them agian.. which is my problem
My guess is that your ph is off judging by those leaves. Overwatered? Maybe a little but that's not what's doing that. They are hungry and have no way to feed because the ph is off.

If you give them nutes, it'll likely complicate the matter.


Well-Known Member
how about temperature of your room? Intake/exhaust temp and middle temp. the intake temp will be most important to see if they are getting too cold. a problem can sometimes be too much air flow for such a small plant, causing it to over transpirate and crazy dry/wet cycles for an unestablished weed to be able to handle.

also the black gold is just leaves manure and twigs so that is your problem most likely. i have tried growing with straight black gold and I would only use a maximum of 50% for outdoor crappy grows but i would consider that a compost and only use 20% of that in your soil mix. something like 20% black gold 10% worm castings 20% perlite 50% peat or something like that. i think that soil is too organic


Well-Known Member
My guess is that your ph is off judging by those leaves. Overwatered? Maybe a little but that's not what's doing that. They are hungry and have no way to feed because the ph is off.

If you give them nutes, it'll likely complicate the matter.
Thanks for the help man I do have a cheap meter but I really dont trust them the ones that check for ph, water moisture, and sunlight penetration. But I'll see if they can dig it out but I atleast know that the poland springs is less in ph than my tap so it can only help.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help man I do have a cheap meter but I really dont trust them the ones that check for ph, water moisture, and sunlight penetration. But I'll see if they can dig it out but I atleast know that the poland springs is less in ph than my tap so it can only help.
Yea, hopefully. You'll get it straightened out but you need meters for indoors. I grow organic indoor and outdoor but only use meters indoors.


Well-Known Member
Yea, hopefully. You'll get it straightened out but you need meters for indoors. I grow organic indoor and outdoor but only use meters indoors.
Just ordered some 80 dollar meter and some ph down.

My buddy who I get clones from just answered me and goes yeah dude I use 3 drops of Ph down per my 2 gallon watering can. (Same city tap). And says I figure you new that because you do better than me 90% of the time.

There ya go I've been so ignorant over the past few years. And apparently his nice hearty clones he gives me are just way more resiliant to the ph issues and having more soil in the clone pots definitely helped.

He usually gives them to me in 1 gallon pots and I transfer to 5 gallon pots and just tap water it and I'm fine for 2 months. Never thought anything about it.

Thanks everyone that has contributed!!!


Well-Known Member
how about temperature of your room? Intake/exhaust temp and middle temp. the intake temp will be most important to see if they are getting too cold. a problem can sometimes be too much air flow for such a small plant, causing it to over transpirate and crazy dry/wet cycles for an unestablished weed to be able to handle.

also the black gold is just leaves manure and twigs so that is your problem most likely. i have tried growing with straight black gold and I would only use a maximum of 50% for outdoor crappy grows but i would consider that a compost and only use 20% of that in your soil mix. something like 20% black gold 10% worm castings 20% perlite 50% peat or something like that. i think that soil is too organic
My high/low is like 78-64 ?maybe give or take a degree. Humidity is at like 40% dry here in winter.

Going to fix my ph issues first and if they dont fix themselves than will go a diffrent route.


Well-Known Member
I have heard repeatedly that measuring the runoff gives you a small picture of what's going on and more than most of the time isnt going to help much.

As someone above said, black gold is much more of a compost than a potting soil and one special fact about organic matter (compost) is that it holds much more water than say typical potting mixes.

Ph could be a problem considering I have no idea what black gold typically sits at so I'm not discounting that at all either. (I'm no help except seconding the above post about black gold is not an ideal seedling soil. FFOF would be better, or maybe 50% ffof 50% seedling mix while in solo cups, then straight ffof after you up pot. That's how I do it.


Well-Known Member
When do we move to that bigger house dad / mom...and when is dinner?

Do these two things before you do much more. Your plants aren't that far off. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i think your soil is bad... look at what u put into it. its just compost..
you need to not stress about pH and shit, just look at the underlying issues first. Once youve eliminated those, then move on to the more advanced measurements of all the factors of your grow.

edit: by the way i like your humidity and temps. I bet if you stuck a soil thermometer in there it would be 65-70f


Well-Known Member
if it were me. if they somehow take into that medium with the wacky shit let it.. if not rinse off the roots stick them into some premium potting soil (30% peat 30% compost 30% perlite 10% wormcastings( + random beneficial microbes and micro nutes)
if they take in the soil you gave it just transplant into the premium soil..
i call it soil for a reason you need to treat it like soil not dirt! black gold has plenty of Nitrogen from the cow manure but wacky pH i have tried this same thing with black gold trash barrels with a full summer season and gotten shit yields


Well-Known Member
ima go one post further.. without proper soil moisture retention you either have to be the best fking waterer ever.. or you will experience what is known as plant moisture stress syndrome.. check this thread out by old uncle ben

if you really eat that thread up, you will realize how important moisture in the root zone is, and how building the right soil or buying the right soil is important. it depends how into it u wanna get

roots look nice btw.. whats a 20$ bag of soil gonna hurt u for that nice sweet product yield boost?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help guys. Ph was a major factor that was helped along with some slightly over watering plants looked alot worse today. Flushed with a Ph of 6.22 with my local poland springs bottled water. Giving them until saturday to show me who is going to recover and who is not. That will be transplant day with another flush in the new soil and start a few new seeds accordingly if any look too far gone. My local tap water was 7.7 with the new pen not the 7 even I thought it was useing strips. And the poland springs was 6.22 not the 6.5 I thought it was.

Still waiting on adapter for pen that will measure soil ph. And show how toxic I made the soil. Hopeing these flushes work if not good learning curve. And I think these issues also attributed to stunted clones that i put out into tomato garden last year. They snapped out of it sooner being directly in ground. But any lost time in veg peak season could of been a loss of a QP per plant or more.