seedlings + co2?


Active Member
hello there,
first of all great site been looking around for a while now and seem to have a question :
Would it be beneficial for seedlings/young plants which have a humidty dome on them to have piped co2 into the top of the dome using the yeast and sugar in a bottle method any info would be great

ps this is my first post so feel free to take a whip to my ass if you want

bigphily out


Well-Known Member
clones for sure need the humi-dome... helps built roots, and I found that it worked well for my seedlings too, seemed they liked it a bit better.

Now, I dont think you'd need to worry about ANY co2 for seedlings... honestly, if you want to breath inside the dome/on the plants before you place the dome over them, that would be good enough


Well-Known Member
I would say young plants could make use of it but with so little leaf surface area seedlings won't, that's just my gut instinct mind you.:peace:


Active Member
Ive never heard of anyone doing that. Seedlings are delicate. I would wait at least a couple weeks before getting them on the gas.


Active Member
thanks for the replies
i have since put the top half of a bottle on as a dome with a hole in the top for a pipe which runs to another bottle with sugar water and yeast in.The bottle fits nice and snug in the pot so i will check on it for the next few hours and throughout the weekend and let you know the outcome
cheers people