Seedlings From The Root Ball?...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I went into my flower room to cull any males that may have shown their sex in the last 36 hours. I found one male and took him out. As I was dumping that bastard out, I noticed a seeding coming up the side of the pot. After closer review I found 3 more. I slowly broke apart the root ball and found a total of 14 seedlings at various stages of development. Some of the stems were huge!

Since it was a male, the seedlings will be male as well but I thought it was strange.

Has anyone else seen this and what causes a root ball to start seeding out sprouts? It was like a freakin potato. :mrgreen: The sprouts were healthy enough, I believe they would of lived.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
As of this morning, the sprouts are still alive! What is up with this? Another wierd thing...the male that I destroyed was a mutant from the begining. About 10 days from sprout, this plant split into 2 main stalks, all on it's own. These were bagseed so I am sure it's probably attributed to poor genetics but reallt strange. I was hoping someone could share some experiences with this.


Well-Known Member
wow...i think i might keep some of those seedlings and do some breeding....imagine if you could get a stable strain that produced its own offspring in this fashion....THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!