Seedlings In Bad Shape.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your babies are doing good, mines sprouted, i think i got the overwater issue going on too, but sad thing is, i was being careful not to over water at all, i just added literally less than 4 drops of water to the outside of the rockwool as i thought it was dry, my baby been droopy since birth lolView attachment 1672050


Active Member

yep thats what mine look like. actually they are coming back. new growth looks good. still slow but its only been a day since i transplanted so. Just got a new cam 14 mega pixel so it should take some better photo's then those cell pphone ones i originally posted.

So here is a few picks of a select few babies. As U can see I burned a couple of them having light to close to start. However green is returning and they are all in all looking better than they were and that makes me happy. Less droopy aswell. pic 4 and 5 is my worst one but the new growth looks nice and healthy..


Active Member
So I did some calculations and they are actually only 2 weeks on 5of them and 2 weeks 3 days on 7 of them. Im keeping a journal now.


Well-Known Member
Ok so ill get some cfls and a couple of shop lights (for the sockets). Is it ok to use the heat shield with the shop light? or take it off and just have the lightbulb itself about the plants. I would think that the heat shield will radiate the heat down and wont allow me to get as close as i should with the cfls.
So if to much light is the case then what size about is safe for my 600w hps system. Since I dont want to have to start setting up tons of cfls to veg them big, id like to keep it simple untill I can switch to hps and veg them under the one light.
And If I can keep it simple then how big can i get 6 plants under 2 or 3 cfls?

Thank you everyone!

Edit: Oh! And what cfl bulbs should i get (kmart)
Sorry for the delay...any floro that draws about 100watts. Idk what kmart has. For the time being their (the seedlings) needs are pretty small. I like what the hydro stores and some nurseries sell. It's a 125w floro with the hood and all. Totally worth 100 bucks.
U can buy them off the web ( mb?) and that light will take u all the way through the veg stage. Then u gotta bring out the big guns. I use 4 1000w HPS. but ppl use floros and led's with great results.


Active Member
Wow this morning they are looking WAY better. I think the overwatering issue has come to an extreme halt. When I looked at em just a few moments ago they are all perky again! I did a tiny water since its been 5 days now. Took it slow and only watered around the plants just on the ring of the starters so they root out in search of some water.

My big question is, when do I start topping? some are going on 3rd or 4th set of true leaves and obviously most of my seedlings are sativa or hybrids so they are getting tall.

Another thing, When I get floros, how should i do the transition from hps to floro? just swap em? I dont want to do anything detrimental to them by shocking them with new light?


Active Member
Here is some more pics. second picture was my worste, droopiest seedling but its come back alot. new growth is starting to come in faster.



Well-Known Member
dude im a little buzzed right now so anyone correct me if im wrong but the girls look a little stunted. ive read your entire journal and i think something is off but dont get discouraged. what was the npk values of your soil mix. whats your ph values. they look hungry. as far as the light situation goes. metal halide lighting makes the plant grow sturdier. the stems would be thicker and stronger. and high pressure sodium make the plants grow taller and aid in bud production. it is often suggested that u use mh for veg and hps for flower but u could use either one from start to finish and not really miss out on much. an ideal set up would utilize both spectrums at the same time with more hps. exp.. 2 600w hps and 1 400w mh running together on a light mover would be perfect but dont sweat it that much. and dude hid lighting is WAY better than flourecent.. dont get me wrong ive witnessed excellent grows based of t-5s but hid lighting provides more penetratiom. its more intence. if u stood under both u could feel the differance. u really didnt need them if u ask me. i just would have raised the light u already had higher than normal to compensate for the size of the plant. the additional space would have dilluted the excess lumens and curved the intensity. and as for the light schedule stick with the 18/6. if they were a little more healthy i wouldve suggested a 20/4 for about a week may be two. but as is it might promote too much vertical stretch. if this happens at that age u would lose your investment. a plant can only generate certain chemical reactions only in the presence of light (the light cycle). and other reactions can only be generated in darkness (the dark or krebs cycle). in short plants develope more and grow taler in the light. and they grow sturdier and develope more roots in the darkness. honestly u could skip vegging all together and do a 12/12 from seed to finish if u had perfectly healthy plants. ive seen grows in which the take foot long clones and place them in 12/12 as soon as they take root. but as is, i would stick with 18/6 until u work out every thing.


Well-Known Member
o and dude dont top them yet. u should becareful about having so many sativas they will get big as fuck if done right. u should make sure they will all fit under your light(s) first before u start trying to make them bigger. u should map out your space first. but normally u could top after 2-3 weeks of vegging but ur plants are stunted and stressed so ull have to ignore their ages and use their physical growth to gauge their level of developement. each day u view them after they recieve their second set of serated leaves u should witness noticable growth and it doesnt sound like thats the case but correct me if im wrong.... but topping would only add more stress to the equation. how tall are they anyway. and floresents are weaker than hid lights(hps/mh) so u really wont shock them


Active Member
Honestly I cant figure out what the npk values are of the soil i started them in. I was really serious about growing, but jumped the gun with the soil I already had (ace Potting Soil) since my outside plants have taken to it great and have grown a considerable amount over the last month and a half or so. I figured, stupid me, that since tomato plants and the pepper plants I've been growin have grown fine ine the soil that the pot plants would do great to. After later reading, found out many things wrong with my soil. So transplanted them into pre ph'ed ffof soil (dont have a ph meter) . My water inspection comes back as mid to high levels of calcium, mid levels of iron. ph of 6.3 tested 1 month ago. thats the only info I jotted down. As far as lightin, I was going to skip the floro's at this point anyways and get a MH bulb for my ballast. However, my only question with MH is, which one. im finding 4200k and 6700k. As far as I know 6700k = veg. But these come in both and I've read more that both light spectrums are better. so the 4200k one actually has a purpose. I think ill get the 6700k, swap the lighbulb, and call it good untill I'm ready to flower.

I've started this grow without help, just my slight knowledge of basically how to grow a plant (any). So with the overwatering, soil, and light to close to start, I can only guess, lol, why they are stunted.


Active Member
I thought I would post some pics of my pepper plants from outside. Currently 1- 1/2 months

Firs one is Yellow Banana Pepper
Second and Third is Cayenne Pepper (Topped 1 time experiment)
Fourth is Green Bell Pepper
Fifth is Jalapeno Pepper

Ive done nothing but plant and water. Prolly shows.


Thank you all for your help with everything, and thanks for following my grow! I hope some people can learn from my mistakes and see my experiences.


Active Member
so I caved and went and bough a t8/t12 double light fixture and the best bulbs i could find there (5000k full spectrum daylight t12) Will this be good enough or should i search around for upwards of 6000k bulbs?

Temps soared here today and the high part of the day, my room was at 87 for a couple hours and i couldnt get it lower. my new leaves started to curl up showing heat stress. humidity was at 40%. I installed said light fixture and temps went back to 77 and humidity 60% and 20 min later leaves went back to normal, whew.


Active Member
It seems they are growing faster everyday now! The last 4 days they have grown an exceptional amount from how they were growing before. Pics soon to come.

Any comments on my last question?


Active Member
Picture day! I took my time and got some good pics. All are between 1 1/2 and 3 inches tall (could bury them another inch) and about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks old. I've seen the most growth since after the transplant 4 almost 5 days ago now. Have grown a considerable amount. I'm thinking about picking up another floro fixture and putting it next to the one i got. Are they doing better?



Well-Known Member
Dude let me help u out a little. First. U have for to get a good Ph meter. That's just a must. And don't let yo fuck ups discourage u. I didn't find out about forums until my 4-5th grow. At least u have help.... but the thing is plants can only absorb certain elements. At certain ph's. All of these Ph ranges over lap. At around. 6.5-7 with cannabis grown in soil. If the Ph of the soil leaves that range the plants will continue to absorb elements but it wont be able to grab them all.this will create nutrient. Deficiency semptoms like curling leaves or STUNTED GROWTH. As the plant feeds the soil will continuously change Ph. If the Ph changes too much it could kill the plant. So this wat I want u to do find a wat to Ph tgw soil.adjust the Ph and add a good fertilizer. To the soil and a food 3part if u can just not mircalw grow. Give them a week and then post some more pics. As long as ur not over watering and the soil is not too fucked up they should catch up and blossom ... just don't flower until everything get squared away. Fuckin up due begging is ok but fuckin up during flower. Is another story


Active Member
Well I def will get a PH meter asap. I have Age Old Grow with an NPK value of 12-6-6. I plan on using the foxfarm trio line Open Sesame, Beasty Bloomz, and Cha Ching for flower. I havnt added nutes yet as I fear they are still to small.


Well-Known Member
Dude it's definitely time to add the nutes. At the very least I would give them a half strength dosage until I could check the Ph. Those leaves should be the size of a woman's hand


Well-Known Member
I say add the nutes. Because it doesn't seem like a question of if they are ready with your set up. Its more of a. Y aren't they absorbing the nutrients. Its either that they r locked out (Ph) problem or they just aren't there(under fed) [but these r only educated guesses ]


Active Member
im gonna get a Milwaukee ph600 and as for nutes ill add a little with the next watering. As for MH bulb, im going to get the 6700k mh conversion bulb this friday.


Active Member
Just bought a Milwaukee PH600 and calibration solution online. Will be here within the week.

Also, noticed new growth on nearly all the babies at the stem and leaves. 2 baby leaves are growing at the base of all the leaves where it meets the stem.

1 of the indy's is sproutin 4 leaves on top.

Not so sure I will add nutes in todays water. I think I will wait till next water when I have the PH meter.