Seedlings in shock


Hello, I have been experimenting with old seeds and i did multiple rookie mistakes while taking care of them.
These seedlings has been exposed to,
- hot (35+ Celsius) - now under control, its between 24 to 28.5,
- light(2x400w hps), now just using a 400w
- maybe underwatering (in fear of overwatering).
- an otc turf as medium ( heard that might be an issue so i just got a biobizz mix)
- AN sensi grow as fertilizer

They are 5 weeks old and one of them is an auto.
They stopped growing for a while and now slowly growing but new growth seems to be not normal.
What should i do? Any advice will be highly appreciated.

$licc Ricc

Active Member
You definitely stunted, stressed them out. I'd just wait till some more growth comes in. Also wouldn't be feeding them much at this stage...may also be a lockout too...mutated new growth isn't good when the older growth was normal. Good luck. And don't over think it man's a weed. Shit grows in sidewalks if you let it. Just let the plant grow.


Well-Known Member
Still somewhat of a beginner myself, but IMO id personally get some new beans and chalk it up as a learning lesson. I have a buddy that always tries to nurture some bad looking plants and it always ends up bad even with "new growth". For the time and money im spending on this shit, I want my girls to be healthy AF lol. Your medium looks kind of bleh as well, might want to consider better soil. Just my 2 cents, good luck!