Seedlings stretching like crazy


Well-Known Member
Stretching from light. What's your lighting situation for the future? For now move that light closer its better then.nothing. you need better lighting asap. if it was me I wouldn't have started so many with no light
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Active Member
Stretching from light. What's your lighting situation for the future? For now move that light closer its better then.nothing. you need better lighting asap. if it was me I wouldn't have started so many with no light
It’s an auto cob from cobshop it flowers a 2x2 so I figured for veg it would be fine ..they recommend 36 inches away for seedlings and 24-32 for veg ..I have lights I’m currently finishing up a flower run with


Active Member
damn u so need more light
This autocob flowers a 2x2 so I figured for veg it would cover more space then that ..also they recommend 36inches for seedlings ..just assumed the par levels were too high for seedlings if they were closer


Active Member
Stretching from light. What's your lighting situation for the future? For now move that light closer its better then.nothing. you need better lighting asap. if it was me I wouldn't have started so many with no light
I have 5 more cobs just haven’t hung them yet


Well-Known Member
a 60 watt Cob isnt gonna flower all that, LOL....Eight might

Do not go 18" with cobs, tho. Thats bad advice. Just add more cobs and go 24 to 30"
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Well-Known Member
Seedlings stretch because they are trying to get closer to the sun. Move the sun closer to them, and you will have no problems.

Edit: Also as a matter of process, I would suggest filling your solo cups only to 1/2 or 2/3 when you drop your seeds into the soil. It makes scenarios like this a lot less awkward, as you can just add some more soil instead of propping up your crop with the tiniest stakes you can find.
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Well-Known Member
I do my seedlings under a 50W cob in a 2x2 tent at like 4’ high... In your case though I’d just move the light closer.

edit: the majority of them don’t look that stretched. When you repot them you can bury the stems a bit.