Seeds from Nirvana confiscated by customs instead got note from Homeland Security heh


Active Member
The title basically says it. I ordered from Nirvana, about 10 days later I get the package; however, inside there are only a pair of gloves and a note from Homeland Security saying illegal contraband was found inside and confiscated. Do you think this is a problem, with the law I mean? I shipped to my real name, do you think it'll be put into some sort of 'arrest this guy if he crosses the border' kind-of list now? The note said they were found, and 'no further correspondence will be issued to you', what do you think that means?

Another issue I'm having, I emailed Nirvana at twice, asking what do they do in situations like this, if they re-send the seeds or what, but they haven't responded to either. Should I keep trying or it's a lost cause, anyone know?


Active Member
It's weird, I wonder how they hid them, because I have had seeds shipped before but from which is located in the UK. Maybe customs inspects packages from Holland more than the ones from the UK?


Well-Known Member
I think too many morons discuss stealth methods on these forums. They should be blocked by the moderators; I don't understand why they're not.


Well-Known Member
They will not resend the seeds haven't you read the disclaimer?
"Shipping terms:
Regarding your order(s), we are not responsible for any lost packages by the mail service. We send our orders by priority mail. There is always a risk of loss and you should be aware of this before ordering. We offer stealth registered delivery by priority mail and we trust delivery will be made on the same conditions. Nirvana shop will not accept any responsibility for loss in this respect.
Shipping time is dependent upon not only on our mail service, but of course also on the service in your country, therefore we can only give an approx shipping time which we know from experience."


Active Member
I think too many morons discuss stealth methods on these forums. They should be blocked by the moderators; I don't understand why they're not.
I'm sorry, are you referring to me? I didn't mean to give away anything about the delivery.

..and ganjababy, yeah I didn't read that part, thanks, I guess that answers my question. Sixty bucks well spent! :spew:


Well-Known Member
I've got two packs of seeds arrive in the USA. I guess it's mostly just random checks, that catch the seeds.


Well-Known Member
from what ive heard about nirvana they probably kpt you seeds and your fettie, sent some gloves that are too small and inclosed a note from homeland security so you wouldnt bother them!


Well-Known Member
green tape = customs

cut your losses.

try elsewhere. nirvana has quickly acquired a bad rep within the short amount of time i've been in this hobby. i've stirred clear of them

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
I have found Nirvana to be very easy to work with and reliable. Some of that $hit just happens when it's against the law. I was talking to a guy that runs a head shop in Dublin (not illegal to sell seeds) he told me that they refuse to ship to the U.S. as he has friends that have been raided by the FBI (guns drawn) and then shut down. They are taking a way bigger risk than those who purchase seeds. Even though the FBI is a U.S. agency they have jurisdiction when goods are shipped to the U.S.

Maybe we should all take our money and give it to lobbyist on the hill to advance the legalization want to talk about an f-ing racket!!

I think if you order seeds you assume all associated risks, try to remember you are not ordering from


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your situation. I have an order in route right now myself.
I wouldnt worry too much about the seizer. I suppose you can expect customs to catch a few shipments along the way.
Unfortunately yours was one of them.
Ive had good luck with The Attitude and they sell Nirvana seeds.
Whether I get my current order or not.......its going to be my last order for the forseeable future.
Good luck with your next order.

Red Ganja

Well-Known Member
I think too many morons discuss stealth methods on these forums. They should be blocked by the moderators; I don't understand why they're not.
No DISRESPECT but that is so far from the truth it is SAD!!!

EACH and EVERY "stealth" method is KNOWN to the Dea/Customs jeez even the local police in bumphuck Idaho know!!

Enough with this IGNORANCE!

Seeds are ILLEGAL!

Seeds get confiscated!


They are not discovering new stealth methods because there are NO NEW stealth methods! I have been getting seeds since the 80s, even WWS's 2000 stealth method was not new and done before!!

The problem is because the seedbank becomes popular and people KNOW what comes from there..... THAT is why Nirvana had to switch their MAILING LOCATION not their STEALTH METHOD!!

Seeds get confiscated! Fact of life.... Some seedbanks like Nirvana (which fixed the problem) and Seedbay/Seedboutique get flagged more than usual because of the return addy! When 1 shipment is grabbed from 1234Any Seed Company RA then the chances go up that more will be caught! It's a fact of life.....

The best thing you can do is post it publically... If too many people post it, its time to get a new seedbank! Like what happened to Doc Chronic.... Does that mean that NO-ONE can order from the Doc (I don;t know if he is still sending to the states, for awhile he stopped) NO! People did and some of their orders get through....

It's just my right as a consumer to say the risks are too high!

Sorry about the guy with the letter! I got more than I care to have, from everybody including Customs and Homeland Security (they were once seperarate)

Oh yeah... THANKS Robert..... Arggh... Answering a post from April!

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
whats your point beekeeper?
I thought it was interesting that you would feel compelled to point out that the original post was no longer worthy of comment and yet... you comment. Doesn't that strike you as a little odd. Kind of like you are looking for some breach so that you might take a moment out of your busy day to point it out.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
nice rant red ganja next time post a thread that is current some of the people might not even subscribe any longer