seeds in soil question


Well-Known Member
So roughly 48 hours ago, I placed three germinated seeds in soil. I became a little worried that they didn't pop, and also figured out that I put them in too deep. Ive been keeping the temp at 75 degrees and the humidity 60% so all is well, and I've been misting to keep moist and watering roughly once a day, as the perlite and foxfarm dry out rather quickly.

ANYWAY- since I found out i placed them too deep, I very carefully moved the soil around a little to find them. The first one i found, the tap root was much bigger, but it was upside down. I adjusted it, kept it more shallow, and problem solved. The second one, the taproot didnt seem to grow much at all, but I did see a little green in it which seemed to be forming a sprout. I figure its still growing. I adjusted. Third one didn't grow at all, maybe a TINY bit. I adjusted and hopefully problem solved.

My question is- since the third and second taproot didn't get much bigger, I am worried that the seeds are screwed. Is there anyway for me to tell if the seeds were dead? they looked normal, and the root was still white. Any feedback on this?:-|


Well-Known Member
They will flip themselves.. Don't mess withem now. Just moist not wet. Some work some don't. Put a baggie on em and no need to water.


Well-Known Member
I get em going in complete darkness...first in a moistened paper towel until i see a taproot an 1/8" long then buried 1/4"-1/2" deep in rockwool. If they are weak from the start...I don't bother with them


Well-Known Member
none of them seemed weak, i'm just making sure the third one that didn't seem to grow much in the soil yet wasn't dead..It looked exactly the same, tiny taproot was white. Just wondering if its still alive.


Well-Known Member
i've actually decided that the lights were just drying out the soil too much...I got them nice and moist, put bags around them, and put a heating pad on low on top to keep it warm. Temperatures are reading 73 Degrees with 60% humidity. I think this will work perfect, any feedback?


Active Member
think you are stressin out just a lil much. relax. just keep the soil moist and dont mess with it. mother nature will take care of almost everything including figuring out which way is up and down under the soil. when they break the soil keep the lights close but not too close where they would be hot to the back of your hand. if your hand doesnt like it the plant wont either. and dont give it any ferts for at least the first 2-3 weeks. good luck!

Edit. Oh, and id take the heating pad off the top. i dont use one but im pretty sure they should be placed under the pots and not on top. the heat will rise up through the soil.


New Member
Just spray the top soil with a mister and keep that level moist bro. A few cm below what looks fry is nice and damp soil I'm sure.
I got some seedlings going at the moment too and today was the first say I actually watered them all. For the entire first week I misted them multiple times a day...Whenever the top soil dries out. It didn't dry out today after the first "real" watering.

These are my 2nd gen of seedlings and I've had no probs. I think you want a little less humidity in the air too bro..Take the bags off. Let the air circulate and let the future seeds get light. You don't really need a heating par eat. The soil heats up as it breaks down, and with the lights from the grow space.

Good luck bro :joint:
That's all you need to do