Seeds still havent popped open.


Active Member
I have four seeds inbetween moist paper towels in a plastic container, its been well over 48 hours and only one has open ever so slightly and that was after 24 hours.

None of the other three have done a thing and even the one that did open a little has made no progress since.

Dunno if to complain or what, ive read a ton of posts and most people have like 1cm top roots by now.


Well-Known Member
it can take a very long time... depends on the temp of the room, the relative humidity, the age of the seeds and the strain to name a few of the most important factors. I have had seeds germinate in less than 24hrs and I've had seeds take up to 2 weeks in the paper towel before they cracked a root!


Active Member
mine took 4 days...make sure you put them in a dark place and there isnt too much moisture or not enough.