Seeds wont sprout, are they dead?


Active Member
Hi guys, this is my first grow as you've probably already guessed, and i'm having some trouble right off the start. I germinated my seeds in a wet paper towel, and they all opened up nicely and had white sprouts. I planted them in some Fox Farms Ocean under a 100 watt Fluorescent but they hadn't broken the soil for four days. Today i decided to check on them so i sifted through the soil in one solo cup and retrieved two of my seeds. The sprouts have turned yellow and the seed casing in pale in color. The soil is also very, very dry, to a point of crumbling. I thoroughly soaked it before planting. What am i doing wrong, what should i do to fix it, and are my seedlings savable?


Active Member
First, the soil needs to be moist all the time.

Second, I think fox farm ocean soil shouldn't be used for sprouting. Try a seed starter mix.

I use rapid rooters - don't have a problem germinating and don't need the start with the paper towel method.


Active Member
probably dead, but try it anyway (get them water). Maybe the fox farm soil would have worked - but soil was too dry for the sprouts.

And you don't need lights until they pop up from the soil.

Amazon sells rapid rooters - search rapid rooters. About $16 with free shipping over $25. Easiest way to germinate.
I'm new as well, so hey. I'm having a similar problem. All except for the yellow and pale part. The seed popped and there is a nice tap root going BUT its been a while and nothing has sprouted. When I poke through the top layer of soil things look normal (tap root is still white and thick) the seed casing is dark green and it seems cool, but no sprouty time things. This plant was in a germination hydro solution but I was worried that may have locked things up its running on fresh water now though. I dont want my last white widow seed to be dead!!


Active Member
You might be.

I think you would get some suggestions and/or help about your sprouting problem by posting a new thread (some people like me don't usually read older threads or the comments, example: I read partial threads using the pop up on the title, sometimes not opening the post.)

So, post a new thread something like Help My seed won't sprout, then (copy and paste) the comments you made - The seed popped and there is a nice tap root going BUT its been a while and nothing has sprouted. When I poke through the top layer of soil things look normal (tap root is still white and thick) the seed casing is dark green and it seems cool, but no sprouty time things. This plant was in a germination hydro solution but I was worried that may have locked things up its running on fresh water now though. I dont want my last white widow seed to be dead!!

Methinks I may be drowning my wannabe sprout?

Add the type of soil you're using so you don't get asked.

Hopefully someone will post with ideas. Hope that helps. Good luck with your seed :weed: