god damnit. you live HERE in the U.S.? what the fuck is with this broken english typing shit?
it might take you kids about 3 seconds quicker to type that sentence but it takes the rest of us twice as long to read and then re-read what you saying with that bullshit typing.
learn to fucking type and speak english.
Don't know if I would use all the colorful metaphors, but YEAH!, just what is said above.
Maybe among the under 18 crowd that level of spelling skill and command of English is acceptable, however, most of us don't take the time to even read that gibberish crap, as we figure anyone who writes in that manner is a little kid. (Which is likely not the case here).
If you can not learn to communicate effectively with the written word, what chance in hell do you have of any success in life? Plain, simple sentences are all that is needed...no fancy words, just speak reasonably proper English and watch your spelling. (We all make spelling mistakes here and there, but at least LOOK for them!)