Seeing An Orb? =\


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what you experience. If the rest of us can't, then it's irrelevant and unscientific.

If I tell you I saw a flying elephant outside my bedroom window, are you just going to take my word for it simply because I had an experience and it triggered my senses? Why not? Because you don't believe me right? You need more evidence than just my word.

That's what going on here. People can sit here and list every experience they've had and it wouldn't amount to anything scientific.

So if you're looking for a rational response to the question "what are orbs", you likely won't find one because they exist in the paranormal, that which science can't measure.


Well-Known Member
o its been quite some time since ive been there or read some old posts, am i that interesting?? did you have a comment or focal point for that link? or were you trying to split hairs with 'existance' and 'presence'?

thats the only place you will find an answer for that term, theres a reason for that! ;) knowledge comes from experience...and everything has a starting point. for ME..evisural gleens from its root, evisurate. the plane said energy encompasses is one where the spiritual self is evisurated from the mortal, corporeal ...if you were confused as to my use.



well at least it's a real word then. never mind


Active Member
It doesn't matter what you experience. If the rest of us can't, then it's irrelevant and unscientific.

If I tell you I saw a flying elephant outside my bedroom window, are you just going to take my word for it simply because I had an experience and it triggered my senses? Why not? Because you don't believe me right? You need more evidence than just my word.

That's what going on here. People can sit here and list every experience they've had and it wouldn't amount to anything scientific.

So if you're looking for a rational response to the question "what are orbs", you likely won't find one because they exist in the paranormal, that which science can't measure.
Well then going by your own logic, you cant label it either...right?

And who do you glean your knowledge from? what some stranger tells you or you read in a book? you take their professed experience and knowledge at face value and read and absorb and call it how can you discriminate me? seems everyone anymore just wants to learn off the backs of others who have worked hard. such is the status quo. *sigh*

niiiice! a complete thot! yes! if theres one thing we can agree with its that the paranormal is very much a grey area.because we have no scientific standards that we can test and or record actual data that is a constant, we cannot project a model for 'paranormal activity'! my scientific side is vexed by this fact as well.most events presented as paranormal usually can be explained away by natural sources, but its when we weild Occum's Razor like its our only tool, that we short-side ourselves and cease to grow.

lol! it IS a real word indeed! sorry to disappoint, its just molded into a relevant, identifyable school of theory and thots.


Well-Known Member
lol! it IS a real word indeed! sorry to disappoint, its just molded into a relevant, identifyable school of theory and thots.
No, it's just a butchered spelling and definition. Technically "evisceral" is not even actually a word, but eviscerate is. Either way, you shouldn't use the made up word "Evisural" to describe a spiritual or psychic plane. I know you aren't the only one to do so)though you appear to be the only person on the internet spelling it the way you do), but keep in mind that the word "eviscerate" literally means "to remove the inernal organs", or in a slightly looser concept, "eviscerate" is equated with "annihilate" or "obliterate". So the word "Evisceral" would then be an adjective describing the state of something that had its organs removed, or if you used the snewr slang definition, it would simply mean non-existent. In any sense, once again, it's not actually a word.


okay is this paranormal? okay started two nights ago i posted a post and will i was in my bed watching tv at 00.04 i saw a bright green light thing just swirl move near front of my bed in front of the wondow, i didnt get scared but i was just like wtf was that!! and left the room. okay this morning at like 4ish am my sister said she saw it two she sleeps in the same room as me, at least i know im not crazy she said it was by the tv on top of the box set, and she said was bright green ball moving leaving a trail, basicly what i saw the night before. why is showing "now" when never before weve lived about 6years here. also im not really a believer in ghosts so any knoledgeical answers or any help, i dont want to see it again its kind of creep =\
It may be hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. Hypnagogic hallucinations can occur as one is falling asleep and hypnopompic hallucinations can occur when one is waking up. We all know that people can dream or hallucinate about something that was recently discussed. If this phenomenon was fresh on her mind when she woke up and saw this "orb", she could have easily been experiencing a hypnopompic hallucination. If you were to do a little research on it, you should recognize it as a totally viable explanation.


And who do you glean your knowledge from? what some stranger tells you or you read in a book? you take their professed experience and knowledge at face value and read and absorb and call it how can you discriminate me? seems everyone anymore just wants to learn off the backs of others who have worked hard. such is the status quo. *sigh*
You are ridiculous. Logic is a school of thought practiced for a VERY long time. It is the basis for all reason and rational thought. It is not a radical idea some woo decided to publish in an effort to make money.

Apparently you believe that each and every individual should teach themselves without looking to a single book or published writing for knowledge. If you lived your entire life that way, I’m sure you would be close to retarded.

Science demands empirical not anecdotal evidence which is exactly what he was talking about. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Active Member
No, it's just a butchered spelling and definition. Technically "evisceral" is not even actually a word, but eviscerate is. Either way, you shouldn't use the made up word "Evisural" to describe a spiritual or psychic plane. I know you aren't the only one to do so)though you appear to be the only person on the internet spelling it the way you do), but keep in mind that the word "eviscerate" literally means "to remove the inernal organs", or in a slightly looser concept, "eviscerate" is equated with "annihilate" or "obliterate". So the word "Evisceral" would then be an adjective describing the state of something that had its organs removed, or if you used the snewr slang definition, it would simply mean non-existent. In any sense, once again, it's not actually a word.
i know the original definition of the word eviscerate is, i told you, remember? i used its literal verbage and adhered it to an adjective describing a plane of existance outside known physical has never been a word, nor did i claim it was. lighten up homie.youll live longer. ^_^

Apparently you believe that each and every individual should teach themselves without looking to a single book or published writing for knowledge. If you lived your entire life that way, I’m sure you would be close to retarded.

Science demands empirical not anecdotal evidence which is exactly what he was talking about. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
No, more to the point, setting an example of someones disbelief in MY own personal experiences as discounting my opinion.thats where it started..but everything evolves.

if your as rude, condesending and arrogant as you come have ceased to.

indeed..but none was ever requested. *shrugs shoulders*


No, more to the point, setting an example of someones disbelief in MY own personal experiences as discounting my opinion.thats where it started..but everything evolves.
Padawanbater2 wasn't discounting your opinion. He was simply saying that he had no reason to believe the story you were telling. Stories and personal experiences are what we call anecdotal evidence. It has been proven to be too unreliable for scientific research which relies purely on empirical evidence. It is not a personal attack on you.

If someone told me a story but gave no evidence yet insisted I believe him, I would not. If someone told me a story and provided an equal amount of evidence to back up his story, I would be more likely to believe what he was saying. But of course, how well I know the person telling the story also affects my belief in what they say. I am much more likely to believe a trustworthy family member than some guy that asks me for money at a gas station.

if your as rude, condesending and arrogant as you come have ceased to.

indeed..but none was ever requested. *shrugs shoulders*
I was mirroring your tone in previous posts on this thread.