self polinated crystal

Hey people had a question about plants that self pollinate i recently grew out 2 crystal (northern lights x white widow) and i wasnt very happy how they turned out so instead of harvesting i left them alone hoping they would reveg 1 began to die so i harvested the other was showing same signs it was gonna die so i harvested today white manicuring i noticed a couple pollen sacs on one plant so i assume it hermed anyways i dug through the buds and came across one seed leading me to belive its a self polinated crystal seed is my thinking correct that all self pollinated seeds are female


Well-Known Member
If the plant hermied from stress ( probably because you tried to reveg them when they were finished) Then they will be female, If the plant hermied from the start, then it will have hermie traits.
Pretty sure it was do to the drastic change of light plants were about a month or so from finishing and i changed the lights back to 24 hrs and brought in all the plants for the current grow to veg i thought mabey they would reveg i planted the seed last night will post when it germinates and post an update on the sex when idtentifiable