semen-like goo in my aero cloner


Well-Known Member
spark im impressed that you have great success with 80F res temps....

thas not my point.

it seems as though you are kinda voting for high res temps....or to grow in 80F temps..... we shouldnt be trying to encourage noobs to grow in shit that is suspect.

obviously you keep it at bay with something else way before it starts.
Yes you are very correct in that we should not be encouraging noobs to do anything like that, they have enough issues as it is.

But if i reread my threads correctly i never told anyone to do it i was just stating that is what my temps are and yes i do take care of it before it becomes an issue. This just happens to work for me is all.

Like i said there are many ways to skin a cat you just have to find what works best for you.

I will take your response as an apology for calling me ignorant. .

Thank you :weed:


Well-Known Member
anybody with hydro KNOWLEDGE and experiences....knows damn well hydro res temps that sit @ 80F will invite all kinda nasty shit in your res.

begging to differ is just ignorant.

oh no spark.....i dont apologize for this statement, AT all....

anybody who begs to differ that 80F res temps invites nasties and the like is ignorant in my opinion.... or doesnt know or have the experience in hydro...

i stand by that statement firmly

but if YOU took that as me directly calling you ignorant, then yes, i can be a man and apologize b/c i wasnt calling you ignorant at all....

but then never begged to differ about 80F res temps inviting bad things, now did ya? So, if the shoe fits, wear

but anywho...yes i apologize if thas how you took it.


Well-Known Member
but anywho...yes i apologize if thas how you took it.
Its was kind of directed at me but we are all good now. :hug:

I really hate having to interject here with someone that has obvious more experience than I but others have had suckless success with temps at 80? if i have 5 sets of clones done and my temps have always been right at 80. What does that do to the logic of your hypothesis?

Could it be
that there are different ways to skin a cat? Hmmmmm

anybody with hydro KNOWLEDGE and experiences....knows damn well hydro res temps that sit @ 80F will invite all kinda nasty shit in your res.
begging to differ is just ignorant.


Well-Known Member
I really hate having to interject here with someone that has obvious more experience than I but others have had suckless success with temps at 80? if i have 5 sets of clones done and my temps have always been right at 80. What does that do to the logic of your hypothesis?

Could it be
that there are different ways to skin a cat? Hmmmmm
if you ran 80f with no algea or brown slime, you must have had BLEACH in your res.....

80f is death to a root zone in hydro. brown happens first, the fungi, then all out rot. this is a fact, not a fictional suckless attempt at popularity....


Well-Known Member
if you ran 80f with no algea or brown slime, you must have had BLEACH in your res.....

80f is death to a root zone in hydro. brown happens first, the fungi, then all out rot. this is a fact, not a fictional suckless attempt at popularity....

Wow!!! I thought more highly of you being one of the more versed and active participants here on RIU but i was sadly mistaken for you used your good for evil and closed your mind and then called me out as an exhibitionist.

The fact of the matter is what is really possible in a hydro system? Why do some clone with not a problem while others cannot get one to strike? Why do others get 2 oz per plant while others struggle to get that 1/4 oz?. Why does one use EBB & Flo while one hand waters? ITS ENDLESS!!!!!!

You have accused me of making fabricated statements for the only purpose of popularity????? WOW you must live in a pretty nice glass house throwing stones like that.

I have said it again and again and i will say it once more for those who are above us minions of RIU.


For all that is holy we just elected a BLACK PRESIDENT and if the people of America could do that well then maybe just maybe i clone with 80 degree water!!!!

Call me what you will i don't give a fuck, but popularity hound I don't think so.

I got what i needed off this site with reading and research and you know what? I don't think I used one single idea or any technical experience of yours in my grow.

HUH I guess maybe it was because you said it was impossible to clone in 80 degree water.

The world is a bigger place than you and if you don't open your eyes and mind you will miss it.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! I thought more highly of you being one of the more versed and active participants here on RIU but i was sadly mistaken for you used your good for evil and closed your mind and then called me out as an exhibitionist.

The fact of the matter is what is really possible in a hydro system? Why do some clone with not a problem while others cannot get one to strike? Why do others get 2 oz per plant while others struggle to get that 1/4 oz?. Why does one use EBB & Flo while one hand waters? ITS ENDLESS!!!!!!

You have accused me of making fabricated statements for the only purpose of popularity????? WOW you must live in a pretty nice glass house throwing stones like that.

I have said it again and again and i will say it once more for those who are above us minions of RIU.


For all that is holy we just elected a BLACK PRESIDENT and if the people of America could do that well then maybe just maybe i clone with 80 degree water!!!!

Call me what you will i don't give a fuck, but popularity hound I don't think so.

I got what i needed off this site with reading and research and you know what? I don't think I used one single idea or any technical experience of yours in my grow.

HUH I guess maybe it was because you said it was impossible to clone in 80 degree water.

The world is a bigger place than you and if you don't open your eyes and mind you will miss it.:weed:
actually, i never mentioned clones. when talking clones, they root faster the higher the temp (not past 80-85f). however.... one must take into consideration that if the water is kept warm, it must be changed twice as frequently.

i have grown hydro in many forms. not all, there are some techs i haven't tried (like a m16 bullet box hand stirred for aeration). many things work. i'm even in the process of writing a book on how to do things right the wrong way; kp's guide to growing ghetto.....

but. and it's a big BUT! res temps consistently above 75f will create water problems. if you change your solution every 5-7 days, you might get by... but, this is not ideal. heat causes algea. algea causes rot. all these root rot threads you see? it's from heat, nothing else. i know this from my experience, and from learning from a commercial pepper farmer (all hydro). rules and guidelines are set for a reason.

now.... with all this said...... if you had a res temp of 80 f, and were happy.... imagine what you would do if you had your res at the proper temp and got up to 40% more yield?

btw, i did do a dwc bucket that weighed out at 15.5oz dry as a bone. though the plants will finish even if not in ideal situations, it doesn't mean you're going to maximize potential.

now the biggest problem i have here is the way you've responded to another experienced member. the smart ass attitude of this forum is finally starting to wear on me again. LB is trying to help a mass of peoples, not just one member. anyone who reads this thread NEEDS TO KNOW THAT 80F IS TOO HIGH! it might work for you, but, it's not the standard, and def bad info to spread on a board. your 80f remark could kill hundreds or thousands of plants if no one called you on it..... n00bs read, and they take everything literally.



we aren't talking about cloning in 80f water; we are talking about growing in 80f water. that's bad. very bad. for a cloner, it will work (although cloners are inefficient at best), but for full systems, it won't (not to perfection standards anyway...). i clone in peat pucks (you can't DO that!) with 100% strike rate. i've not lost a cutting in over 4 years. no matter WHAT i do. clones are easy.

but, i do know many people who've had to start their grows over completely and from scratch, due to high res temps, or running a pump on 24 hours a day. high temps = bad stuf, like semen sludge in a res, root rot, pythium, etc.

sorry if i came across as a smart ass, but it seemed the appropriate response to your posted responses. kudos.


Well-Known Member

this is a hydroponics website, nothing to do with pot. you could learn a lot from this man, he's the most knowledgeable hydro farmer i've ever met. like 40 potroasts and 60 kp's in one person. do some digging around that site. i'm sure you'll be astounded at what you learn ;)


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are arguing two different points.

78-80º is better for growing roots from cuttings,
but we all agree
that you cannot have roots in an 80º rez
without eventually getting Pythium established,
and eventual death.

I have grown aero with 80º rez temps,
but the roots were not in the rez.

Personally, I find the best yields @ 66-68º



Well-Known Member
actually, i never mentioned clones. when talking clones,
HUH i thought that's what this thread was about.... Clones or did the semen word catch your eye?

i have grown hydro in many forms. not all, there are some techs i haven't tried (like a m16 bullet box hand stirred for aeration). many things work. i'm even in the process of writing a book on how to do things right the wrong way; kp's guide to growing ghetto.....
You must be proud kiss-ass

but. and it's a big BUT! res temps consistently above 75f will create water problems. if you change your solution every 5-7 days, you might get by... but, this is not ideal. heat causes algea. algea causes rot. all these root rot threads you see? it's from heat, nothing else. i know this from my experience, and from learning from a commercial pepper farmer (all hydro). rules and guidelines are set for a reason.
Once again it must have been the semen....

now.... with all this said...... if you had a res temp of 80 f, and were happy.... imagine what you would do if you had your res at the proper temp and got up to 40% more yield?
Dont know but i bet i wont be looking up semen threads to help me out.

btw, i did do a dwc bucket that weighed out at 15.5oz dry as a bone.
Once again you must be proud..kiss-ass

the plants will finish even if not in ideal situations, it doesn't mean you're going to maximize potential.
Your right this is a learning experence not a "you must do it this way or your ingnorant" But since you and LB seem to think that you can save the world from ourselves knock your socks off!!!!

now the biggest problem i have here is the way you've responded to another experienced member. the smart ass attitude of this forum is finally starting to wear on me again.
I knew it!!!!!! There is a Baron hood of WEED!!!!! and you are the jester!!! GP The Baron wants his high horse back..

LB is trying to help a mass of peoples, not just one member. anyone who reads this thread NEEDS TO KNOW THAT 80F IS TOO HIGH it might work for you, but, it's not the standard, and def bad info to spread on a board. your 80f remark could kill hundreds or thousands of plants if no one called you on it..... n00bs read, and they take everything literally.
Ahhh LB and I have somewhat called a draw on that so your kind of coming in late and as far as bad info there is a whole thread dedicated to Areo Cloning and how other members do it or not do it why dont you go there and spread your great knowledge?

NOOBS are what they are you can lead a horse to water but they will still pee on thier plants....



we aren't talking about cloning in 80f water;
I KNEW IT IT WAS THE SEMEN!!!!!! THread name Semen like goo in my AREO CLONER!!!!!!!!!!!

we are talking about growing in 80f water. that's bad. very bad.
WHatever you say ........ for a cloner, it will work kiss-ass

i clone in peat pucks (you can't DO that!) with 100% strike rate. i've not lost a cutting in over 4 years. no matter WHAT i do. clones are easy.
OMG!!!!! YOUR THE BEST HYDRO GROWER ON THE PLANTET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on bended knee BEGGING for your mercy. kiss-ass And the Baron Of WEED still wants his high horse back ..........

but, i do know many people who've had to start their grows over completely and from scratch, due to high res temps, or running a pump on 24 hours a day. high temps = bad stuf, like semen sludge in a res, root rot, pythium, etc.
We all have our crosses to bear and from what i have seen on this board if you dont research properly you will start over at some point.

sorry if i came across as a smart ass, but it seemed the appropriate response to your posted responses. kudos
NO YOUR NOT !!!!! YOu knew exsactly what you were writing and ment every word of it. BITE ME!!!!!! Kudos to you :finger:


Well-Known Member
wow. way to prove me wrong! i must say, this is definitely a more adult reaction than i had anticipated. i'm glad you are so mature. :)

see? this is what i mean when i refer to "the blind leading the blind". so sad.... boo hoo :(

enjoy your slime! :)



Well-Known Member somebody either a preteen just hitting puberty or just really obsessed with semen....

but anywho.... sure it was about clones....until i asked you to show me a plant that you've flowered with 80F res temps.... and you pulled out buds...

that you cant dodge. nobody is trying to save anybody. the proof is in the pudding.

fact is fact.
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Well-Known Member
Sitting here deciding on if i should even respond to both of you and of course after 2 seconds of thought I must :twisted:

Now for the record I am one of the most unforgiving members on here for I have no patience for stupidity or laziness that and I am quite a smart ass. BUT i would never intentionally tell anyone bad information or lead someone to hurt their grow Period!!!!

Most of my posts trying to help are "this works for me" because its all about what works for each individual and its up to them to figure it out.

I know when i started i latched onto members that i thought knew good stuff and took what i wanted from them and sometimes their ways did not work for me.

That being said

First of all this thread was started because some poor bastard had goo in his rez and was looking for help.

Like many threads started many people join in with their 2 cents as i did and i guess my only sin was to gently interject against Sir Baron Loud Blunts that I use 80 degree water with no problems and that there JUST MIGHT be a different way.

Up from under the rocks of Hydro greatness I get Sir Baron Loudblunts calling me ignorant for what my 2 cents are worth and then calling me out challenging my grow and still he comes at me even after showing him my pictures and from what i have seen here on RIU for my first grow i did pretty darn good and just might have some tiny bit advise that someone could use.

THEN I get The Baroness KindPrincess to accuse me of being an attention whore,Liar and disrespectful to an experienced member? WTF????

You know what people? If the very ones here on RIU that consider themselves advanced growers continue with berating and calling out newer members for what the they consider WRONG information with disregard to the newer ones experience or knowledge you will push them out. (Maybe that's what you want) but I have had a few conversations with other members about no longer participating because of people like you.

We can still get our information from reading and research we will just not participate but we enjoy helping so we stay for the time being.

If you have no new semi experienced blood interjected into this site then you will have nothing but bad information on it, policed by the likes of you.

When you start your own thread and do question and answer everyday for the whole site then you can be the police.


AL B Fuct

Say what you want the guy knew a shit load about many things..

Remember i only interjected with my experience i didn't not berate or make fun of it. It was a sincere response to a question and as senior members of this site you might have either asked how i did it to learn or then kindly make a suggestion as to better my grow.

Instead you chose to attack me personally for my knowledge and grow.

I know I know you didn't mean it. I really don't care if you did or not.

Just remember you are senior members of this site and you should act accordingly because really the site is a reflection of you.



Well-Known Member
you know.... it's funny. it seems to me that a site like this reflects badly on any member who DOES know what they are doing. why should we help people with attitudes? people who know it all already?

i spent a year helping people on this site. maybe longer, idk anymore. in the end, for all the good i did, i still had to deal with shit like this. so sad. one stupid argument went so far south, that anyone reading the thread and taking info to heart is going to have a problem. oh well....

i was linked this thread, and supported my friend, and hit you for your bad attitude. in the end, black and white, you STILL have a bad attitude, and i still support lb. when something is working for you, that's wonderful. but if it's and extreme like 80f water with no issue, you need to keep it to yourself, and not spread the info.

the reason you don't see members like me around here anymore is because of members like you.

put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Well-Known Member
the reason you don't see members like me around here anymore is because of members like you.

put that in your pipe and smoke it.
absolutely! this is a prime example of why many people wont even bother with this site at all... it is like a train wreck!

i think you got attacked personally for lacking any brains or common sense, sporkafire, certainly not for your knowledge... and certainly not for your buds :roll:

looks to me like you spent a lot of money on good gear to get crap results.

way to make CFL buds look good! :clap:


Well-Known Member
How many puppets are there out there??? There seems to be quite a few of them just spewing out the same dribble. I am a WEED BARON DAMN IT!!!! You will respect my Athorit Tie

If i just say you guys are the best will you go away???


Well-Known Member
H I am a WEED BARON DAMN IT!!!! You will respect my Athorit Tie
and i'm mr. ganja. come talk to me when you grow up.

If i just say you guys a the best will you go away???
no, but thanks for asking :)

you seem to miss the point of this entire ordeal. this isn't about popularity, it's about fucking up others' attempts. don't spout bad info.

after all, i can get my plants through flower fully infested with spider mites. you don't see me telling everyone that they don't need to worry about a mite infestation.... just because an oddity works for you doesn't mean it's going to work everywhere.

AND BACK TO THE POINT OF THIS THREAD. WARM WATER IN HYDRO MAKES SLIME. PERIOD. even cloners shouldn't have a res temp above 75f, and you should know that sparky. o.0


Well-Known Member
Ok i give !!!! WEED BARON Puppets Win

I now pronounce that all water in hydroponic systems shall be between 68 and 72 degrees max.

I am done here.


New Member
beautifull e fight you guys. earl gets it. right on. spark, your still a dick and you could have left it alone but i hear ya on this one. let it go.

or dont and that would be fun for me


Well-Known Member
Ok i give !!!! WEED BARON Puppets Win

I now pronounce that all water in hydroponic systems shall be between 68 and 72 degrees max.

I am done here.

there are two types out there.... those who learn the secrets, and those who create the secrets.

we are the puppeteers :blsmoke:

and, btw, thank you! 68-72 max high temps are a good ref number.