New Member
Back when I was a kid, in the 40/50s, we had a 40 acre farm in Washington state. It was a milk/dairy farm. We had inspectors that inspected our facility on a regular basis. We had to maintain a level of cleanliness and animal food designations that were pretty strict for a small dairy/farm. We grew our own veggies, had fruit trees, had hogs, chickens and a horse. I never ate so good, fresh strawberries, real cream, apples pears, plums, real Icecream and butter from the milk truck. Point being, there have always been rules when it comes to food production. The Monsanto seed thing is criminal. Farmers in India are committing suicide because they cannot afford the seed. They have subsisted on their own seed for centuries and then Monsanto comes in and Kills them. Monsanto is one of the most evil corporations on the planet. The wheat farmers in Canada have been fighting with them for years. They have secretly come in at night and spread diseases to the wheat the farmers not buying monsantos seeds are growing, killing their crops. They claim that if some pollen from one of their crops is blown to the next door neighbors non monsanto wheat field and the crop takes on the monsanto seeds, they own the crops.