Damn you have it made goodThanks man. I was hopin it would. Im stoked on the 600. He just left and brought me 2 600 watters a c02 burner 5 plants 3 hoods some nutrients... Cal mag. Bush masters. Etc. Some cuttings and said. "Sorry man its all i could fit in one load" wtf? Lol. I said thank u and he gets almost offended and says no thank u.. As if taking his 6k in equipment investments is doing him a favor.... So i offered him everything lol. All he would take was 1/4 oz of ssh. Its nice to know amazing people still exist. So long story longer its gonna be a looooonnnnggg night. stay tuned
Ill be watching this grow
keep up the good work... im about to go buy a house and start a legal grow.... I cant wait!!!
Keep us posted!