sensi is back. and he brought his 3kw guestroom


Active Member
Thanks man. I was hopin it would. Im stoked on the 600. He just left and brought me 2 600 watters a c02 burner 5 plants 3 hoods some nutrients... Cal mag. Bush masters. Etc. Some cuttings and said. "Sorry man its all i could fit in one load" wtf? Lol. I said thank u and he gets almost offended and says no thank u.. As if taking his 6k in equipment investments is doing him a favor.... So i offered him everything lol. All he would take was 1/4 oz of ssh. Its nice to know amazing people still exist. So long story longer its gonna be a looooonnnnggg night. :bigjoint: stay tuned
Damn you have it made good



Ill be watching this grow
keep up the good work... im about to go buy a house and start a legal grow.... I cant wait!!!
Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I was hopin it would. Im stoked on the 600. He just left and brought me 2 600 watters a c02 burner 5 plants 3 hoods some nutrients... Cal mag. Bush masters. Etc. Some cuttings and said. "Sorry man its all i could fit in one load" wtf? Lol. I said thank u and he gets almost offended and says no thank u.. As if taking his 6k in equipment investments is doing him a favor.... So i offered him everything lol. All he would take was 1/4 oz of ssh. Its nice to know amazing people still exist. So long story longer its gonna be a looooonnnnggg night. :bigjoint: stay tuned
It's good you have friends like that your lucky really.


Well-Known Member
Definetly will guys. Thanks for stoppin in and sharin some love. :joint: and believe me i know... I am truly blessed with great people all around. Goes to show karma is watching.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Forgot all about getting better pics this morning. Been settimg up c02 and fine tuning all the timers and such.. Its so time for an oil rip and some shuteye


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys. Been a bit. Been busy trimmin the sour deisek and shebs. Higgins haze and mendo are next to trim. Not a whole lot goin on right now. Sprayesd them with neem today and did my weekly clean. Thats about it. Ill get some pics up tomorrow. Off to bed. Stay high all :joint:


Well-Known Member
Damn. I really suck at this journal shit. Haha. Im nearing flush for most now so ill get some pics up tonight or tomorrow. Ran into some budget constraints so the c02 is off for the time being. Other than that they are coming along great. The mendo x chemdawg sister seeds are lookong FAT. Cant wait to get that project off the ground. Will eventually and up crossing with my purple wonder hybrid as well.. Ahh the future has never smelled so good lol.
Im not stoked on the fem cross which is why ill eventually end up crossing with my purple wonder.. Get a couple nice mendawg dom males.. My mouth is literally watering at the possibilites from there lol. Anyway sorry to rant. Off to the garden i go. :Joint: