Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

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Yet you are online, obviously with power, heat, a roof over head, a computer, food... yeah, you got it tough alright.. :roll: It's a good thing all of the colonists didn't just slit their wrists when the going got tough.... Come on, this is nothing more than a cry for attention..., if you guys only knew how i grew up and what's happened...

sometimes it's just too hard to fucking deal with.
lol I got a friend just like you,always seems angry hahaha
sounds like we were there for kind of a different thing.I got it for an attempt criminal homocide case and I only seen her because my cousin hired her to prove to the court I wasn't some homocidal maniac lol and it worked!Bitch costed 5 grand though lol.I constantly yesed her and kept countering her with questions of my own.I was not trying to be there but it worked out for the best.She saw right through all of the stuff I was doing to her.
lol yea if the court ordered one im giving that person hell.

Yet you are online, obviously with power, heat, a roof over head, a computer, food... yeah, you got it tough alright.. :roll: It's a good thing all of the colonists didn't just slit their wrists when the going got tough.... Come on, this is nothing more than a cry for attention...

Dude if needing someone to talk to is because I need the attention, so what? What is your concern man? If you have negative comments, don't bring them to a thread of this nature. Thanks in advance.
What kind of bucket do you plan on kicking? A metal bucket? Plastic? On what surface do you plan on kicking said bucket? On grass? Pavement? Sidewalk?
And what does having a tough childhood have anything to do with kicking a bucket? It's almost as arbitrary as plucking a rubber band.
even though I get flow from Deathwish, suicide ain't what's up (unless it happens in the course of skateboarding, then it's punk as fuck!) I tried to kill myself for 20 years on the installment plan (heroin addiction) and it's just fucking retarded. Believe it or not, we are not the victims of destiny; we control our realities, and it took me a long time to figure that shit out (obviously!) Talking to Cheetah (Chrome, of Dead Boys infamy...) but alot of things into perspective for me; he was a punk legend & still wallowed in addiction for years & years. Basically what he told me is what i just told you; we create our realities, so if sucks you are the only one who can change that shit. Suicide is one of those extended repercussion kinda deals; no do-overs. you won't dig it.
Dude get rid of your avatar. All I can think of when I see it is rage. I want to smash that face under my car tire. Seriously ugly.
are you serious?

this has really gone to shit.

i think her avatar is quite cute. maybe a little annoyingly cute but whatever...
homer in a top hat is no better.

i'd like to punch you in the face lol, that would be fun but i hate when it hurts your hand.
No. All I know is I wish I could punch that face, whoever it belongs too.

something to chew on
I will smash her face into a car windshield, then take her mother Dorthy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner, and NEVER call her again!

This will cheer you up. Just turn it up real loud.

Music has always been my crutch in bad times.
Says the guy with a middle finger for an avatar along with an obscene location......

And they are the worst avatar and location on this site???????????

Get a fucking life.

To edit. This wasnt my avatar until the same asshole I am referring to fucked with me in another thread. Then followed me to this thread.

Fuckin stupid ass people, I tell ya.
i have a solution to the sleep and the suicidal thoughts (marijuana)
thanks dudes.
last night wasn't the best night ever, hardly got any sleep AND i was so pissed off, weed couldn't even help.
i didn't even want to rip my bong (fucking horrible).
srsly though, idk what id do without my riu buddies.
thanks again.
life's bull shit but it'll be alright.
No doubt. Pay someone copious amounts of money for them to ask, "and how does that make you feel?" to EVERY single thing you say or don't say.

I got booted out of court ordered sessions because I mindfucked the therapist so bad, she just stamped my court orders as completed.

"and how does a failure on your record make you feel bitch?'

You had a very bad therapist ... dear friend.
You had a court ordered rookie ... and you didn't
even realize that their job was to help you given the chance.

I suspect your rookie therapist smelled the rat and
gave up to save him/herself some time and aggravation.

You don't mind fuck good therapists ... that is why they are therapists.

I am not hating here friend ... it's just the way it works.

geewhizimtheshiz ... chin up girl ...shit will get easier .... u need someone to talk to PM anytime ... I will tell you two fucked up things for every one you share .... no kidding.

Inbox empty and thank you Benassi.
You had a very bad therapist ... dear friend.
You had a court ordered rookie ... and you didn't
even realize that their job was to help you given the chance.

I suspect your rookie therapist smelled the rat and
gave up to save him/herself some time and agitation.

You don't mind fuck good therapists ... that is why they are therapists.

geewhizimtheshiz ... chin up girl ...shit will get easier .... u need someone to talk to PM anytime ... I will tell you two fucked up things for every one you share .... no kidding.

Your inbox is full man lol...
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