Sessions: I'm Shutting Down Colorado

So stuck in traffic today, down to one lane with construction everywhere and this poor person who was learning to drive (driving school car) was trying to merge and this jackass just wouldn't let that person into the lane until they were literally up against the blinking arrow machine..squeezed that car just wouldn't give an inch..finally passed him..sure enough..Trump bumper sticker with a bungee cord holding his front bumper on his roller skate Honda beater. Gross full mustache..another jobber type..filthy car inside and out:spew:

We're living in a Trump world rein for their nastiest of impulses.
careful now, this snowflake is so fucking delicate that he will put you on ignore if you even ask him if he is racist.

he is that much of a fucking pussy.
Who cares? Assholes like that don't matter to anyone. They live alone in dilapidated travel trailers with no plumbing and they eat whatever they can trap or catch because they're like cave people. They are also sub-human filth.
Who cares? Assholes like that don't matter to anyone. They live alone in dilapidated travel trailers with no plumbing and they eat whatever they can trap or catch because they're like cave people. They are also sub-human filth.

this particular one is about 40 years old and makes $12 an hour at his construction job, lives in texas.

white supremacist through and through, yet his own existence disproves his racist theory.
this particular one is about 40 years old and makes $12 an hour at his construction job, lives in texas.

white supremacist through and through, yet his own existence disproves his racist theory.
Right - and lives alone in a dilapidated trailer with no plumbing and he eats whatever he can catch or trap because he spends all his money on meth. All these fucking assholes are the same, not a blink of an eye's difference between any of them. It's like a Nazi mold in a Mattel toy factory or something. I'm surprised Mattel hasn't come up with an "Easy Bake Oven, Trump-Style," complete with little lampshades made from human skin and SS storm trooper figures for guards, and a working oven complete with a place to hang up the clothes of the intended victim, thinking it's just a shower. The Nazis could trap rodents and burn them up in the Easy-Bake, as a precursor to when Trump opens "Detention Centers," (AKA concentration camps) for anyone he doesn't like, and they will get to push real humans into the ovens. At the time they do that, they will spontaneously ejaculate because murdering those they don't like is what republicans are all about.

What Cletus failed to understand before the election, is Trump hates poor people more than anything else and his plan is to exterminate anyone who's not at least a millionaire.
"when" trump opens the concentration camps?

they're already here. just ask the law-abiding mothers he is deporting.
Deportation is only temporary. Once ovens are built at the "detention centers," liberals, immigrants, muslims, women, poor people, we'll all be pushed into the ovens if we don't fight back, and that is why I recommend EVERY liberal in America arm themselves and prepare for the civil war that's coming. The USA is going to end, soon. Might as well be prepared to defend you and yours.
Deportation is only temporary. Once ovens are built at the "detention centers," liberals, immigrants, muslims, women, poor people, we'll all be pushed into the ovens if we don't fight back, and that is why I recommend EVERY liberal in America arm themselves and prepare for the civil war that's coming. The USA is going to end, soon. Might as well be prepared to defend you and yours.

too far.
Um, not far enough. Ignore my advice at your own peril.

i'm fully willing to admit that we have concentration camps where forced labor (aka slavery) is currently occurring.

but ovens and civil war are not here now, and i don't see it happening here anytime soon.
i'm fully willing to admit that we have concentration camps where forced labor (aka slavery) is currently occurring.

but ovens and civil war are not here now, and i don't see it happening here anytime soon.
You are using the most destructive phrase of all in your thinking. "It can't happen here."

Famous last words.
it can happen here.

i don't see it happening here currently, or anytime soon.
It will. You are wearing rose-colored glasses and I don't know why. But consider this: If you do not think your family is worth defending, no one else will, either. I certainly won't. I am already prepared for said armed conflict, and I will defend my family against all enemies, period.