My plants were going down hill, was suggested to raise ec and it turned things around before scheduled flip knock on wood.
I used 3gal 1.1 ec 1x in veg and 4x in flower and was mostly good aside from ph meter misuse that bit me at the end a little.
Now its 1 gal 2x a day the .8 ec was too low, the 1.1 ec was still too low, all a week apart looking at overall growth. 1.4 not quite there yet.
1.7-1.8 ec and it turned around. .5ec tap. Switched to flower now 6x a day feed. So far so good. These mfg suggestions were inline with this.
Just my thoughts where im at now and will update plant problem thread if it dont work out. It didnt grow anything like the mother from seed with ec demand.