Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

Its great but as the plants reach the lights they have dark spots. Its meant to hang a certain height but whatever lol its working. Just holding clones in limbo in here.


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Its pretty much done. And screw me for not labeling clones. Had to toss two which could of been what I needed to be completely full. But noOo. I just tossed the whole tray and said f it.

I have another 10 left that will probably root faster and healthier which yet would have to toss excess clones. The run after that am aiming for 5. No doubt its my strain in need.

I tossed the confirmed strain I dnt need anymore which 5/10 had notable root growth on day 11 pulling out of the plugs. My confidence is building.

I wont mismatch ever again! Ugh! Well the space is up and ready.


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Second time attempting to scrog, this time I think its better. The whole canopy is like 6” one week after flip. The nets were too high and was a pita to look at.

Now the lowers will become canopy buds. Cant wait to see how it turns out. When shes opened up she yields a nice amount.


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Its working well! So flat! I know I should use 4” screen but whatever. I can start looking for some. Im using plastic trellis my preference so they dont shed. I saw them shed realllll bad when cut.

Its filling in space overnight by perking up. Let alone a week and half more of this. Last time I did it in 2x2 and was too hard. The plant out grew the space and molded.

This time around idk why but Im doing much better. Topping I guess did half the work. Last time I lst no top or prune or defol.


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I used the blender this time to disolve nutes and it worked great. For the most part. Still a little left behind but it happens when hand mixing too but this did it less and with less labor.

Do my plants look over fed? Still chuggin along. They look good to me. Those are the colors I shoot for.
Freshly rinsed, double buffered coco with rinsed pearlite 3 weeks old still plenty moist and sterile. 58-62F 35-45% RH basement closed tub.

How long can it last before going bad? How would you keep it fresh longer? Water it with calmg/chlorine? Got a lot left and would be nice to know.

Im used to using it as needed and tossing the rest.
It eventually grows stuff on top of it in a dtw system with no plant I noticed. I wonder if it will grow stuff inside it too just sitting there watered like once a month.

Idk if the coco is still good after it grows stuff on it. I like to use the freshest made coco.
Weird, I guess you can only buy select things from floraflex. As soon as I add a pot it doesnt let me check out, need a whole sale level order to order.

So just getting the stuff from hydrobuilder. Great site and service. The flora site I guess just test the item see if its that way with purchase, if not then pay a little more or less at hydrobuilder.

Im setting up more in the diy tent muahaha. Going to setup a double 8 port manifold and hold 8 more plants but only need 7 more.

It takes pressure off rooting time, they can overlap a little. No hand watering for this gardener. Really thought hard if I need this and ya it would be cool.

My success rates and timing varies, last round took 4 weeks to root 5 and the rest took almost 4 more weeks to enter the search phase but lost track of what clone was which and trashed it.
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Clones were only potted two weeks ago and thriving. Last time it took 2 months to start growing. So yea Im ok with having extra clones than be on a schedule and miss it.

I vape a lil over a gram a day so each week I dont yield, I have to buy from store again. Quater oz a week is expensive.

A convenient fee now that I see the stresses of growing but if you make your goals it really is worth it. Very theraputical managing plants so long as its going well of course.

Im nicknaming my new diy tent the Anti-handwaterer 3000.


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Yea my sudden idea to put 8 plants in the diy tent is dumb. They wont fit, I didnt consider the measurments. The pots taper so when layed out it wont fit. Maybe if theyre overlaped and sit crooked.

I realized I have what I need pretty much as is. just need to get the cuttings in sync to the grow. Transplanting seems like overkill. Maybe even less optimal.
Welp Im pretty darn sure its a root and not a maggot or something lol. Mycelium around it pokin around just barely visable. Keeping eye on it next few days.

So day 14 a root spotted. Never been so mildly sure before but the mycelium confirms it. So the heat mat and dome the cuttings really like it. They look very crisp and new.

But damn I have to toss the rest but its a plus one in confidence that this will keep rolling. Just need to take them on time.

I punked out of a last minute thought of setting up 5 more plants downstairs while I have the space claimed. Im an anxious dude lol. If I can get the damn clones then chill, youll get roots lol.
These are the best pics I can get. Is this a root? It should of grown a lot more overnight. Is it struggling to grow against the cell wall?

It grew a wee bit overnight I think but not like it would if it were in search phase like it appears.


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Its the weirdest root ever if it is. Its so tucked around a corner can barely tell what it is. They usually poke through a certain way, not like this.
If you were working with a strain that nanner and seeded and trying to dial in clones to stop that from a hectic last grow being possibly my fault…

So far theyre happy but is it ok to prune larf buds and any foliage and when? Im almost 2.5 weeks i to flower.

I scrogged pretty good so its like 3 limbs a plant and emerging popcorn larf soon. Ph was at 4 last time, lights close and prune/defol a couple times at mid/start of late flower.

Mostly just making sure ph and lights are good but what about prune/defol? The nanner was on the bottom larf which some say is a high chance spot already.
Yea those were roots alright. How exciting. What a blessing from the ganja gods. I couldnt make my goals happen without em. Day 17.

Screw my clone king, my AC infinity dome and mat was the way to go. So also thank you to AC infinity for a well made product.


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