Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

Sometimes a bunch of particles get in when refilling like my veg reservoir just now. I wondered if theres a fish tank like device that could filter all that out. I tried a quick search for a sec ugh busy.

But it didnt show anything like I imagined. Only rhing I can think of is using a micron fabric to do it by hand. Dust, fibers, hairs and etc just fine debree.
Yall this may be a dtw question. Will imidacloprid or dinotefuran be bad to add to my reservoir for root aphids if I have them? Any specific purchase suggestions?
I can see why no response, I wouldnt recommend it unknowingly either. Quickly finding its not something I can do without any advice. Likely with that being I cannot use it without risk.

Maybe on mother plants but kind of a lost cause. Any alternative suggestions? I quickly reading it can be toxic.
Setting up 2.5x5 dtw coco tent lol like the title of thread. But with a different 2.5x5. Loved the original so much I bought another. Heres it setup. Can tell I got better with the drain system.


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Is it normal to get cloudy solution? Is it ok if it smells ok and minimal slime? Is it normal to clean out the reservoir weekly or can you keep topping off when low?

It was real clear but just gets cloudy even after refilling. Can I just let it go that way where I clean it when its slimey enough?

Im talking minimal to where youd be pissed to clean everything the way you juat did last week.

I add shock every 2 days now since it went rancid to where I had to clean it. Shit why dtw coco so hard all the sudden. I got gnats too.
Whine over. Solution attitude on. Just stop feeding so damn much so it lasts a week and take time to clean the stuff weekly. Done.
As for the gnats, I notice disposable plants get rid of them at once for onvious reasons. The mothers hang around even though theyre replaced with new.

Gonna create an inpenetrable fort down stairs focus on creating zero entry points. Keep using microbelift bmc.

I got a mini tent Ill use. Super tape the duct ports zero entry point. Fan will be the hardest. Unless I just use a inline and carbon filter on top of tent and just tape the duct port shut.

I got an extra one fudge it. Its war!
No its not normal. There were a few recent threads about cloudy maxibloom reserviors, and at least one ended up being nasty bacteria hiding in the RO filters on the input end that had to be replaced before it stopped. Like you said, there are some pathogens that pool shock won't even touch, and will keep replicating anyway..

I think you have too many pumps by sharing one res between that many systems. I counted like 4-5 at least when you showed the picture of your res. Its the flower one your having problems with, right? I think I rmember you say the veg res is always clear, and the plants grow fine, but the flower one is really cloudy with lots of residues, and all the plants fed from it keep having problems.

When you have that many pumps dangling down into one res, it heats up more, and has way more surface area and nooks and crannies for the pathogens to colonize.

MAybe you would be better off to use dedicated reserviors for each setup. At least if one res goes bad/cloudy, you won't be contaminating all the plants at the same time.. If that's even the case..
Yea I dont think I declared here yet on this thread that Im planning on having one res per tent, 3 total. 2 plants in each 2.5x5 amd 1 in the 3x3 all their own reservoir.

The mother cabinet and mini flower test tent will share a res with one of those tents, the mothers 2x a day and the mini flower what ever the other tents are.

Theyre on 6x a day but about to see if I can do 4 or 5x a day to save fertilizer and help with my rotten looking roots with gnats last round.

Also not make such a fruitful enviorment for the gnats for the mothers. The veg res was clean because its brand new but uts getting cloudy too like it eventually will.

I just will have to clean them out good each refill and do it on a weekend. Have time to do it etc focus on quality. The restricted feeding should help make sure its due on a weekend.
So yea If you say so I can imagine Im perpetuating bacteria when I just refill it instead of clean it. Ive thought of that earlier today when ramblin.
Also, WOHOO almost fall/winter! A indoor grower in ground floors favorite season! At least up north hemisphere. My fav seasons even not considering for growing reasons I just love the cold!

Anyway, its gonna help as the 80-85F temps this summer is brutal in this situation. My veg tent is in basement and used to put solution down there when I hand fed.

The cool temps kept it from going rancid with no poolshock I didnt even know about shock at that time. So the veg res hasnt gone rancid by mistake yet.

I shock every 3 days and if I miss one it goes bad in flower res but the veg I missed it and was fine. Am probably over shocking it but beginning to wonder if you can ever have enough shock.

Of course not actually over doing it but for sure seems better than letting it go bad. Pisses me off when that happens.
I put pumps everything in bucket with shock and turn on wave maker. I havent cleaned the tubing though. Im making my setup dissassemble friendly just for this.

I put a great amount of shock im the bucket since bleach isnt any differnet and harder to rinse off.
But yea I appreciate ya Drop That Sound for chiming in. Lots of your advice implicated into my setup. I have a few 2 port orbits for custom feed a bit overkill but I do have pumps for each plant pretty much almost.
Yea the microbe lift bmc aint making the veg res cloudy so its just a horrid enviorment for a res in the flower room. 80F frequently but its gonna be cooler as fall and winter come.

My fav seasons. The holidays are lit.