Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

Shit I looked into the hardness issue and using pool shock it totaly can cloud it up. Weird though because my veg tent never clouds up and I see other signs of it being a pathogen related.
Shit my rez looks a bit cloudy only a teeeny bit but its doing it before end of week. I switched my adjustable flow orbit to full flow and what do ya know, its working amazingly.

So DropThatSound was right of course, theyre really good at this. Sometimes I just am stubborn. Literally what you said must be true to a tee, the air lock bubbles mess up the flow.

Probably right about the chlorene and calcium. I must get some bleach idk what to get Il look into what was suggested. I just did a lot of shit today Im done lol.
Hows it look? Its not crisp like usual.. Teeny bit cloudy on day 3 instead of 7… It looks so-so to feed with. My veg tent rez is crisp clear in much lower temps. This flower rez I just copped a feel no slime whatsoever along the walls.

Shouldnt be, I scrub every inch of the rez weekly so Im peed off. Bacteria or calcium related? Just read up on another thread. Google doesnt pull anything up but it does pull this thread up a lot lol.


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Yea see, veg rez is crisp. Shit.. I guess just work my ass off cleaning as needed every 3-7 days idk what else to do. Try the bleech see if its calcium related since I see no sign of organics but I didnt check ph yet. Let me check.


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This look right? Thats pretty easy shit I should of listened.. I bought 6lbs of pool shock. I thought bleach would be way too diluted but 12ml aint bad for 50 gallons. Im gonna try this and see what happens.


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It would make perfect sense and if you were right about everything so far lol I have hope thats the issue Im having. Makes sense a quick search says not to use shock with my calcium rich water.

It wont dissolve so now my rez is exposed to blooms in 80F temps with not the 3ppm needed of shock to kill them. If this solves it I just done ran out of compliments for ya lol just a real guru! Thanks a lot for the help.
One important thing though it says not to mix it a certain way as bleach and acid will make toxic chlorene gas. Can anyone clarify what they mean? Meaning are they simply saying to only add bleach to prepared solution.. I have no idea what they mean.
Never mix acid products with bleach or bleach-containing products. Mixing bleach and acid generates a very toxic chlorine gas. Always add the bleach solution to the water when preparing the solution, not vice versa.

Ok I just had to post first to go back and read again. If theyre saying dont mix bleach with ph down idk why the fuck youd do that I was worried it would be toxic period. Like say adding bleach to my prepared reservoir will potentially cause this.

But I use shock its essentially the same thing so nevermind but correct me if Im wrong I dont want to die.
Ok I think I got what I need so on to next topic which Il put to rest. A while ago I was unable to figure out how to make 1:10 bleach/water or h202/water. I was like ok how many cups or ml for 3 gallons to fill the aerocloner?

I couldnt figure it out. Well is this right? Playing with the same calculator elsewhere I got it to say 1:10 bleach/water ratio which I wouldnt be able to do on my own. Didnt go to school much.

So 4 cups of bleach for 3 gallons? 1L for 3 gallons would be expensive like I initially thought which made me think something was wrong. If this is right then I wasnt wrong it just was off putting. Whos actually doing that?

I tried it anyway and it foamed up all the water disappeared. Too costly to do each run. I just put a lot of pool shock but holy shit, 7200ppm? Maybe still wrong but 1:10 is 1:10 what am I missing.

I dont even use the aero anymore I gave it away. I found a way better method but this just stumps me and makes me want to get to bottom of it.


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Shit now that I think about it I wonder if this is why my clones suddenly browned roots and almost died. Planted it and it grew like normal but based how it looked I think it was a close call considering I never got a cut to root since.

Maybe bacteria infected them as I read everywhere that can happen. My pool shock wasnt doing much as that was what I used while running it with cuts. Tried turky probe verified the temps tried higher and cooler temps. 3-4 runs I gave up. Hmm.

Who cares though aero is waaay tedious compared to root riot in clone dome with mat. Super set and forget if the dome is nice like ACI that has a water tray suspeded cube tray to wick water. Just refill once or twice and done.
Its work week I aint got time to play around so Im just emptying all water though a small puddle remained but refilling fresh water. Using clorox lets see what happens. Fingers crossed this the heart beat of the grow if it dont work my grow wont work.
Shit sodium in water can be the same issue but a quick search says my tap doesnt have much sodium in it. But now my wave maker died and refilling its still cloudy after the maxibloom is added. Is blending it in a blender any to blame? Ugh this some bs.
Hell, if the runoff reservoir the same size as feed reservoir nothing to worry. Only obstructive events would be a freak accident but possible using these flexible tanks. If only I could figure out how to keep it good enough to feed Id be happy.

But damn the fact its going bad left and right no matter what I do its crazy. Its actually hard to get it to be crystal clear unless temps are good. Even just now, it was crystal clear just swapping all the water but soon as I added maxibloom it got cloudy again.

Thats annoying. I did this for like 6 months or more with no issue just refilling rez no full swapping.
3-5 PPMs of bleach in a 50 or whatever gallon res isn't really enough to worry about reacting with any acids enough for toxic levels of gasses to form.

I hope it works out better though. Its sounding more and more like you might have to give in and setup an RO system. Or maybe swap to another nutrient that plays better with hard water sources? I know they make them, but I have no experience with that. Some growers seem to be able to get away with hard water/hydro..

ROs are kind of wasteful, and don't really "filter" out all the water. It just sends the dirtier water passed the membrane and down the drain. Takes roughly 150 gallons just to fill your 50 gallon res, and more or less time to fill depending on the size and amount of stages in the filter.. Gotta do what you gotta do though.

If you were to buy 5 gallons of purified RO drinking water, and mix up a smaller batch in a 5 gallon bucket without it clouding up, I would go ahead and get the filter system. If it still clouds up, maybe your right about the water mold or some pathogens hiding in the pipes, etc..

Seems like without the cloudy res problem you have, you would be very successful!
Thats the thing, my veg rez as shown is crystal clear its just hard, some times for whatever reason it looks more like this. I did have a hot few days and read how bacteria will then multiply out of control from being dormant in cooler temps.

That they can produce spores to try to perpetuate itself in even harder conditions. I might be acting ocd because Ive gotten great results and didnt keep rez crystal clear the whole time if ever.

Il just so whatever it takes to wing it Il sacrifice. There is a little sodium but a quick search says the calcium is high. Ive shown someone here they said its hard water. Might be frantic just didnt know I know swap the water down to a few drops left.

To just refill amd go another 3 days and do a deep clean. I get a little slime already and other indicators of bacteria. Smell is rare thats when I really messed up and let it go bad.

I think I was able to get away with it when temps were below 75F hell I remember never cleaning it and was only minimal slime. This is crazy.


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Like I see the ro expirement but thing is my rez even after a deep clean the surface water has so much oily look and debree. Just floating so it gets tainted from the go. I had to put my arm in there as wave maker died. Pos.

So I add 12 scoops and its .6ec when my tap is .5ec. I feel the wave maker moving so I shrugged it off and added more. Still .6ec but notice its seperated like oil and water. Freakin wave maker. Then I realized. Its running but real hot like its melting and burning out.

Hence not noticing it wasnt vibrating hard enough like Ill not forget to notice next time. Target ec 1.8 but it was 2.3. Dumped 10 gal added 15. Hands be havin billions of germs all that touching.. Im like man this is impossible to be lab like clean.

I think I just have war with bacteria just like gnats. Somewhat conquerable some what a lost fight. That microbe bmc is helpin but they still need traps so theyre still gettin through some how. Just wasnt making sure to keep the soluton a certain level kempt.