Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

To clarify I mean it can look like what I just shown which I guess is ok but what I do is look at the pumps labels on them.. With flash light it has a type of glow to the labels and through the water I look through.

But now I notice it can look like I showed where its not quite crisp but not cloudy either. So Il just have to look at the signs of I guess called a bloom. Bacteria bloom. Spike in ph, the mentioned and slime. Just refill if during week and deep clean the next weekend.

Its been 80F or even 86F in grow room. My diy climate control wont start workin till like hmm. 3-4 wks? Been indian summer lately.
Crap forgot to include that I read on another thread you can use uv light to sterilize the water too. Idk how id do that, keeping it closed seems logical but just a thought. Maybe theres a waterproof one idk.
Damn I didnt realize these orbits had these screens I dont think you can take out. Theyre super tiny holes I bet it would flow better if I could remove. Some come with a cone screen you unscrew. I bet these will clog up eventually.


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Im getting so good with this pheno I think I just had a moment of realization/improvement as a grower and growin the same clone over n over. The redirecting if energy is real. It will grow fatter buds or it can.

Benefits of clones you build a relationship with the ladies. Growing such clean fat colas that ripe and it has this last ditch effort to grow some buds down below.

This took a year to realize and Ive grown low capacity for a good year before that altogether or more *but* low capacity. A few plants can take 1.5 yrs to grow dont mean you got 1.5yrs experience.

Perpetuate some clones on a dime get 5 harvests a year. Thats real experience. Anyway. I stead of 10wks I think I got this bitch to finish in 9wks with the what I call rub-em tech. There will be last ditch effort buds that a youtuber said he calls rub ems.

Cause you just rub them off their node and it directs energy up top. I call it a tech because its a techneque. Im so silly I just realized why they say tech. Anyway. I grew her raw no pruning defolling nothing and got all red hairs end of wk 10.

Thats tough to pull off thats lots of diluted growth to get to finish on time that often wont. It takes longer down below grows airy light colored and just lots of energy to finish all at once.

I also will thin out canopy pulling out twigs I started realizing wont become anything special even with full lighting. Youll always have some of those mixed with dominant cola growth. Of course this varies but people apply this logic to any plant.

Fine tuning exactly how to do it will come with time. Im starting to prune wonky lower growth in veg youd leave on because it looks girthy right? Too low its gonna struggle to produce buds in target zone. Future vision enhancement. I ate edibles so Im ramlbing but this time its facts!

Its a game changer in perpetual when you need things done and repeatable. All my colas you see in my latest grow is all there is. Right below them is nothing. Just rub-ems. About to rub em out. People talk shit about youtube growers but man I be entertained and learnin shit.

What I really mean is they look almost done and its only end of wk 6 and end of wk 8 it probably will looks real nice. End of wk 9 to harden her off and chop. Thats a big deal as I was struggling to finish on time.

Just chop down to the last real girth bud and leave behind the rub ems for edibles or more hash but seperated. Or rub em off but if its working itself out like now I could leave them. It knows where to direct its energy.

Whats funny it will ripe and just sit there while waiting for lowers to finish. The bish was done right then and there! I cant make this up and this isnt a day one realization. You could try debating with me why its considered chopping too early but its not homie lol.


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Damn, only day 3? well so far so good considering I was shocking every 2 days now since the shock wore out before the usual 3 day mark so thats improvement. Hell simply could be I wasnt yileding enough chlorene due to the calcium rich water. Clorox aint bad doing the math one bottle of 4.5% could last over 500 uses.

Cqn I use disinfectent bleach or must it be regular? I ask because I feel like better bang for buck getting the 7.5% clorene and less filler ingredients per dose.

edit shit Its 200 uses or 150 for less concentrated. Once again screwed my math up idk how, I plugged in the same numbers.
Ok ya so one bottle is well over a years worth still but my math was wrong. It is 3250ml with 22ml per 50 gallons every 3 days so probably more than a year. Idk how I got 500 doses with my last estimate.
Some gems of knowledge on this thread thanks to everyone helping, thanks! I used to feel silly thinking out in open but it helps to spell things out for people not keen on one or more things in particular. Lots of info here I just havent found and its all in one bundle.

I like to use up threads and Im sure youre supposed to anyway.
My 3/3 drip is active. No problems because full flow orbits like we learned are best. Screw adjustable flow. Lock bubbles. Idk why I have to use a ball vale to dial in flow I thought hell its like a built in vale why not? Nope dont work right. Get full flow!


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Day 4 still clean. Thats now twice as long vs pool shock. You guys are the goat! What I dont understand is why wont poolshock work if you mix it with RO water first then dump in rez? Can it still cause clorene lock?

Aint that a trip I remember reading the pool shock bottle says new formula anti clorene lock formula or something thinking idk what that is. But I guess it wont develop clorene lock. Little did I know that little label within the label was my future problem.

Clorox baby! It works!
Just make sure you aren't using the thicker "splash proof" or other non regular kinds of clorox bleach. Its easy to overlook on the label, and the bottles are usually right next to each other. I'm not sure it matters all that much TBH, but imagine it would have more fillers you don't want in the res. Regular non scented kind is what you want..
Just make sure you aren't using the thicker "splash proof" or other non regular kinds of clorox bleach. Its easy to overlook on the label, and the bottles are usually right next to each other. I'm not sure it matters all that much TBH, but imagine it would have more fillers you don't want in the res. Regular non scented kind is what you want..

They all say splash proof though so I didnt think there was one but I will look. Maybe have to go to a different store.
The last bag of pool shock I bought is also some new formula. Pool shock "plus" or something like that. I remember asking round about it, and no one seems to know if its different than the regular kind they used to sell. It does have slightly less amount of cal hypo in it too. Haven't used it yet, but probably fine to use with my water.
Yea I just looked again theres none thats not splash proof. I read a review that they added something without saying on bottle that creates super suds. One saying it doesnt disinfect. Some times I just look at the high ratio of 5 star reviews and think its fine.

Is disinfectant bleach any different? If I found a regular disinfectant bleach coulr I use that? Just has more clorene almost double so thought maybe that also cuts down on unwanted fillers.
I guess maybe your right? Looks like they did make all clorox bleaches splash proof now? Its true though, the old "splash-proof" kind literally said its not for disinfecting right on the labels, and designed more for whitening clothes without dripping al over the washing machine... Then they said its the same old bleach you love as they changed to the new formula, while they sold millions of jugs to people thinking it would kill corona virus. Sometime during the pandemic they seemed to change their minds, and say now that it does in fact disinfect? Hmmm..

I still have various jugs of the old original kind that's more thin like water laying around since before then, and haven't bought bleach in a few years.. I was sure they still had the 2 different versions though..
Yeah, get the "disinfecting" kind of clorox if you can find it. That must be the normal kind , afaik? Man, they have too many different kinds now, lol. Outdoor bleach, disinfecting bleach, splash-less bleach, no-splash bleach (is that different than splash-less formula?) germicidal bleach, scented bleach, etc..
With fuzzy mold growing on my colas with everything going fine gots me glad I bought a generator. Even if I used it promptly the risk of budrot is high imagine without it.
Day 5 mid day or a bit later I saw its glowing with bacteria. I noticed ph rise a day before but looked acceptionally clean. Havent cleaned in 2 wks at this point Im vaguely recalling? Some tiny bit slime on walls of rez.

Not bad for a second top off after 2 wks since deep clean. Not bad performace as I was getting cloudy water no matter how soon I add pool shock. No mayter if I deep cleaned, day 5 or so it went bad with pool shock.

I was adding every 2nd day but now appear to be able to add it on day 4 or maybe 3 if I want to stay on top of it. Its nothing to take care of I just was worried it was going to go bad every 3 days with deep cleaning each time.

So its going alright so far.
Maybe the need to go through it fast enough and water swap is the way to go or might be at play. I havent had this issue until I took down half the garden so water lasted much longer. Huh.. I feel a little stupider after saying all this.

Hanging in there maybe its also the nature of how hard the clorene is working so it calls for it at different times but the clorene lock is real. Any quick search will tell you that.

I sure as hell wouldnt of made it this long on a topped off reservoir (only small puddle left as the vivosun 1150gph deseign reaches real low) So not really topping off but you know, just no deep clean. Which I had to do I suspect to make it last at all.

But yea It wouldnt of made it 5 days with out shocking every 2nd morning. So I think its working yall.