Setting up New Grow area


Well-Known Member
Hello I could use some help with my new grow area,

I have 2 rooms next to each other, 8 x 13 and 19 x 13, small room has a 600mh, 8 bulb T-5 and small clone tent. Large room atm will have 2) 1000hps and 1) 600hps

I have 2 questions,

Can you put a 4 or 6 inch fan at the start to push air thru 6 inch pipping and at end pull it thru filter and to the outside, this is for the air cooled lighting.

Also for fresh air in, can it be passive 4 inch hose or would it be better to attach a fan to force more in?

Appreciate any input



Well-Known Member
No I filter the out going air, helps with smell. I have negative air flow its all pulled out.

My question is can I use for the air cooled lights 2 fans inline to push and then pull as its going to be 28 feet long, will have a second air inlet for incoming fresh air, does it need to be passive or need to be fan forced.