setup in apartment (help)

rotary hemp

Active Member
hey please im looking for a lil help the more the better im looking for people that have done or that kno about growing in apartments because im trying to find wat was the setup like how many lamps and how much the electricty bill was thank you


Well-Known Member
hey please im looking for a lil help the more the better im looking for people that have done or that kno about growing in apartments because im trying to find wat was the setup like how many lamps and how much the electricty bill was thank you
i got a buddy running a 250W swithcable mini system. a 75W T5 i believe and like a 40W LED in one closet in one area. just hope your vents aren't connected to your neighbors apt or you'll need some major odor control to keep the nosy out of your business.


New Member
i got a buddy running a 250W swithcable mini system. a 75W T5 i believe and like a 40W LED in one closet in one area. just hope your vents aren't connected to your neighbors apt or you'll need some major odor control to keep the nosy out of your business.
HA-HA lol whats that smell dear, can you not smell it.


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea, in any way, shape or form. An appartment is NOT yours. If you buy your own house, it is just that YOURS. Grow to your hearts content. Nuf said.


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea, in any way, shape or form. An appartment is NOT yours. If you buy your own house, it is just that YOURS. Grow to your hearts content. Nuf said.
if you have a card its legal either way and if you don't its illegal either way so...

keep it small and keep it stealth. smell and heat must be contained


Well-Known Member
It depend on how big you are trying to go.

A half dozen plants in a tent: You could veg in the closet and use a second tent for odor control (carbon scrubber or ozone). With a 600w bulb in the tent (on 12/12) and a bunch of cfl's in the closet . . . your power bill will jump about $40 a month and you'll knock out about 8oz every 8 weeks.

Going big with 60 plants in one bedroom . . . save all your money for a good lawyer.


Well-Known Member
just keep it small and disguise the odors and you should be fine. As long as you don't advertise you're growing weed you shouldn't have to worry too much.


Well-Known Member
Even if you are in a state that has MMJ laws, and you have a card, dude, that apartment complex will NOT like the idea of someone growning bud on THEIR property. The feds dont care what you have in your pocket, it wont keep you from getting tossed down a hole and sunlight piped to YOU. Grow your shit off their property outside if you have to. Every apartment complex has maintenance people with all the keys, and they DONT have to get your permission to enter your apartment. Now i've said enuf Your freedom is in YOUR hands.


Well-Known Member
This proposed set up sounds problematic. When considering grow space, security has to be paramount on one's mind. If the Apt complex offers 24-48 hour response to requests, forget it. Maintenance man hours are abundant and one could "stumble" upon your space by simply doing their job.

I have also been in an apartment where getting service was problematic, so growing was an option if well concealed and kept small. Go with an indoor strain that smells fruity or tropical and place similar candles and scents in apt or consider a small ozone generator to knock out the smell. If your only doing a few at a time, you could pull it off.

But again, consider freedom. This grow situation is not good and outside eyes are a problem.

trains strain

Well-Known Member
i was just setting one up, started my seeds and everything and late last night land lords banging on my door, supposivly people under us could hear the vibrations from the fans, so couple hundred bucks of hard earned cahs as well as blood sweat and tears and now im left with 4 seedlings and no place to grow them in. im fucked. if i were you find a new place, you dont wanna go to jail or be charged for something so small that should be legal anyways. anyways dude all the power to you


Well-Known Member
hmm.. maybe i should take down my setup! i got 2400w in my apartment, picture in my avatar, link to my grow in my sig..

and apartments cannot just come in whenever they want, they have to give you at least 24 hour notices


Well-Known Member
hmm.. maybe i should take down my setup! i got 2400w in my apartment, picture in my avatar, link to my grow in my sig..

and apartments cannot just come in whenever they want, they have to give you at least 24 hour notices
I'd double check that 24 hour notice thing. There are circumstances in which they do not have to notify you. The point is, someone else has keys to your grow space. No matter how careful you are, you are at a heightened risk.

Nice looking grow room!


Active Member
I'm in the same situation atm. Mine is relatively stealthy, big wooden cabinet with a table cloth over it and a chair pulled up to it. People look at it and think it's just a desk of some sort. Additionally, the doors to the cabinet have big locks on them. If maintenance does come in, doubt they'd rip the doors off to see what is in there. The most they'd see is an exhaust pipe if they looked behind it.

Just make sure it isn't near anywhere they'd ever have to go. (Water heater, CO2 detectors, Smoke Alarm, Electrical Breakers; They come in to replace the batteries and do regular maintenance.)


Well-Known Member
invest in a locking metal fileing/storage cabinet,,there about 3 feet wide 2 feet deep 5 feet high and around 200 bucks. you can really pimp those out for growing.. and put posters up over the intake and out take areas and your set


Well-Known Member

i've got this setup in my apt. no way in hell i'd set up a grow in a room or even a closet in an apt. this is small and inconspicuous, maintenance man could be at work by it all day.
but also to be said i'm in a small complex with no on site office with one maintenance guy who works several complexes owned by the same company. i know when he's when he'll be on site and further more if for any reason maintenance needs to come in i get notices. i guess it just depends on your situation and judgement as to what you decide.