SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
Wow I cant wait until those start flowering. I think next time I grow im going to try to do a bubbleponics grow like this


Active Member
Wow I cant wait until those start flowering. I think next time I grow im going to try to do a bubbleponics grow like this
Me either, only a couple more days until 12/12.

I'm pretty blown away with this bubbleponics stuff, everything seems to be so easy! At least so far.

I just checked out your grow, they are looking great! And you've got what 3 weeks to go, you should be a happy man when you're done.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Darn pics didn't make it, could you try again? I'd like to see what you're up to.
I have a hard time messen with pics here! But if you go to my rollitup page I have an album there with them in it. Looks like your in the const. bus. as well !? I'm a small conc. contractor and we've been slow as hell for the last year.But now that my gardening hobby is starting to pan out it may help with the bills!! Or just keep me high enough not to care !Good luck with the flowering I'll be joining you this Sat with the next res change and switch to flowering!! Take care..


Active Member
I have a hard time messen with pics here! But if you go to my rollitup page I have an album there with them in it. Looks like your in the const. bus. as well !? I'm a small conc. contractor and we've been slow as hell for the last year.But now that my gardening hobby is starting to pan out it may help with the bills!! Or just keep me high enough not to care !Good luck with the flowering I'll be joining you this Sat with the next res change and switch to flowering!! Take care..
Yup, been in construction for 35 years, love the business, but there are some pretty bad ups and downs. It looks like I just picked up a pretty nice project though, hopefully it pans out!



Active Member
Gentlemen, the latest and greatest! Here it is day 33 of veg and I'm getting ready to start 12/12 on Saturday, day 35.

The plants don't seem to be growing with the speed they were last week, possibly because I fimmed them last Tuesday. They grew like crazy for a couple days after the res change and fimming, but that rapid height growth has slowed. I looks like they have spread out more letting more light to the center of the plants. There are a number of branches cropping up, I think there are going to be many good cola sites. They are now as wide as my grow space so I'm thinking this is as big as I can afford space-wise.

But I also get the feeling that the plants are telling me they are ready to flower. I just get the feeling they are ready to start the next phase. Their stalks are thick, about the size of my thumb, and the leaves are a lush, deep green. There are maybe two leaves that are not perfectly green, other than that they are healthy as hell! I think they will be a good base for my buds.

So, I'm ready for 12/12. I've picked up my nutes (Advanced Sensi Bloom part A & B, and Big Bud) and am ready for the transition. I think I've done as well as I can getting to this point, now to get started toward the payoff!

Here are a few pics, hopefully before long I will be showing you picks of the new buds coming out, but I know I have to be patient, it takes what, like two weeks before they start showing. I swear though, they look like they are ready to start flowering as we speak!




Elite Rolling Society
If you start Flowering on a Saturday, then you can count 9 weeks and be free on a Saturday for Harvesting. I'm always amazed how 9 weeks to the day is always the best day for Harvesting, you'll see.


Active Member
If you start Flowering on a Saturday, then you can count 9 weeks and be free on a Saturday for Harvesting. I'm always amazed how 9 weeks to the day is always the best day for Harvesting, you'll see.
9 weeks from this Saturday is Feb. 6th, just before my b'day. This may be a special b'day! I'm growing northern lights and I know you've done a few grows with them so that 9 weeks is certainly a date I'll circle on my calendar.



Active Member
Man Fry your plants look amazing.

I picked up an 8th of Sour Diesel today at my Co-op. Let's just say I couldn't finish my joint bro.


Active Member
I can already see that you are going to have some bomb.

The Sour D is a blazer I can honestly say I have never got a bad sack of D. Ever

Northern Lights all depends on what type since there is so many different types of NL, but when I was 20-24 that was all anyone in Northern Ca was lookin for (NL) kinda of like the Kush movment now and their was some killers and a few misses in there as well.

They look great Fry. And they did get a huge growth burst like in just the last week just by lookin at those pics and that is a sign to flower my man. Go for it.


Active Member
cant wait to see flowering pics in a month.... they are gonna rip.. good job man
Thanks, I can't wait either.

That's one thing I've noticed about my grow and getting it together. It seems as though everything takes longer to get moving than I planned. First the equipment took 2 weeks longer to get here, then it took me at least a week longer than I planned to get the grow closet together then I decided to veg for a week longer than I planned. Where originally I was shooting for a Jan. 1 harvest I am now looking at Feb. 6th, way later than I had hoped.

I'm finding the moral of my story is to expect delays to happen. If you're in a hurry don't take your eyes off the ball, keep pushing, that's the only way it's going to happen. Expect everything to take longer than you planned.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
That's some great advice Fry. I expected to harvest last Saturday but delays have pushed it back, and now I will be harvest middle of next week.


Active Member
I've been reading you should have some level of nitrogen throughout the bloom cycle. Exactly how much I'm not sure, but whatever it takes to keep the plant healthy is what I intend to provide. One of the problems many people have is they pay little attention to the nutrient analysis on the side of the nute bottle.

When people say use 1/4 grow and 3/4 bloom, well, what proportion is that exactly of what nutrients. I'm trying to find as much as I can about specific nutes.

I bought some Advanced nutes and paid dearly for them, and now I'm finding that the Miracle Grow that was already on my shelf is probably just as good containing all the same nutrients and trace elements I find in the Advanced.

I'm ripping off a lot of my ideas from Uncle Ben, but he's provided some links for further study from commercial fertilizer companies. I've been doing a lot of reading and I have plenty more to do. I need to know exactly what works and why it does. I'm not going to pay through the nose for something I can buy at my neighborhood hardware store for a whole lot less. I'm trying to de-mystify this nute thing for myself.

I've already posted this on another thread, but I think it bears repeating.



Active Member
That's some great advice Fry. I expected to harvest last Saturday but delays have pushed it back, and now I will be harvest middle of next week.
Just thinking out loud, trying to share a little of my experience to date.

Now I need to get moving and build that other grow closet I'm starting.



Active Member
A quick note about my lighting.

Other than the first week or so (while they were getting started) I've had my light pretty close to the plants, closer to 8" than 12". I know it's pretty darn close, but the closer the better, unless burn of course.

The thermo I use has an outdoor probe. I hang this probe from my reflector to see what the temps are at the top on my plants directly under the light, I'm sure you can see it in my pics. This gives me a pretty good reading of the temps where they matter the most. Seems to work so far, I had that one little incident, but it didn't amount to anything to worry about.



Active Member
A quick note about my lighting.

Other than the first week or so (while they were getting started) I've had my light pretty close to the plants, closer to 8" than 12". I know it's pretty darn close, but the closer the better, unless burn of course.

The thermo I use has an outdoor probe. I hang this probe from my reflector to see what the temps are at the top on my plants directly under the light, I'm sure you can see it in my pics. This gives me a pretty good reading of the temps where they matter the most. Seems to work so far, I had that one little incident, but it didn't amount to anything to worry about.

Great tip Fry

I completely agree about the nutes.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow, I'm thinking about bubbleponics for my next grow. Was this grow with 18/6 or 24/0 for veg?


Active Member
Nice grow, I'm thinking about bubbleponics for my next grow. Was this grow with 18/6 or 24/0 for veg?
24/0 for veg. After 35 days they average about 26" in height, tallest 29, shortest ~24.

I used SH nutes and had no issues what so ever.

Hope your luck is as good as mine, but it helps to augment that luck with a bunch of preparation, study and read everything you can get your hands on. Start with Roseman's bubbleponics tutorial, I followed the instructions as closely as I could and I've got a big grin on my face today.

Definition of luck, when opportunity meets preparation!
