SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Active Member
Can I make a suggestion to consider?

If you start 12/12 and run the lights at night time, say like 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, they will run the coldest part of the night and help heat the grow area during the coldest part of the day. That way the heater won't have to work as much.
That's exactly what I was thinking, I've got them timed to run from 2:30 am to 2:30 pm, that gives me some time to work on them during the day still and I'm getting them back on during the coldest part of the night.

My temp range for the last 24 hours was a high of 73 and a low of 58. A touch lower than I'd like, but the 15 deg. range seems like it should be good from what I've read. And this is the coldest part of the year for us, we've been getting down around 0 at night so I'm thinking I should be good for the winter.

Bottom line, the plants are looking great! They stretched a bit last night, a couple are up to about 30" now, from 28" yesterday. I added the rest of the nutes to get me to an 800 ppm concentration and the plants are looking healthy as ever. I've got a bunch of tall branches that I'm thinking will load up with buds when the time comes.

I've got the cuttings I took yesterday on my kitchen counter top in cups of water like any plant cuttings. I'll get some rooting gel today and get them in that new res this afternoon, but they are looking happy as they are right now.

So, I hope your day is going as good as mine. I'll be back with updates.


Active Member
Quiet day here at home. Now that the plants are flowering I can't do much while the lights are off, I used to walk in every couple hours, all right, every few minutes some times, and look in on and give them a spray.

Pretty crummy dat here weather wise, snowing off and on all day, not a good day to be on the road. Just wish it would warm up a little.


Active Member
Oh yeah, one more thing. My buddy bought some rooting hormones from the grow store the other day, $70. I just picked up some rooting hormone from Wal Mart, $4.34, made by Schultz and called TakeRoot. His bottle is a bit bigger than mine.

Cervantes mentions three compounds that are used to stimulate undifferentiated cell growth, the precursor to root cell growth, and they are napthalenaecetic acid (NAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 3 DPA). Don't ask me about that last abbreviation? Schultz TakeRoot is IBA.

Hope this helps you save a buck tomorrow.


Active Member
Here it is, the third day of 12/12. Nothing showing yet but I thought I'd put up a couple of pics just to show you we're still cooking. The plants are now about 32" tall, they have spread out to fill the entire space I have (30" x 48") and I've only started to flower!

I just got my cuttings into another res and have the water flowing. I dipped them in rooting hormone and expect to see something before too long, but probably at least a week anyway.

Damn, we've had a blizzard here today, I got up to about 12" of fresh this morning and it's been snowing all day. I have such a long driveway it takes a while to shovel, especially with this much snow. Time to get back out and do some more shoveling.

Sorry, just had to slip in one of the pups, I'd say they were friends wouldn't you?

I hope everyone is having a great day!


ol hippy

Well-Known Member
FryingPan, Have you determined any females yet ? Those plants look great you've got a bit more room than I have here mine are climbing out of my closet! 3rd day of 12/12 and no sign of sex yet !! This is getting frustrating as big as they are I'm not gonna be happy ripping anything out of there , could be a real job..Thank god I don't have to shovel snow anymore !! My ol man used to give me that job back in Cleve. great to be in So.Cal. Want snow go to the Sierras !! Mammoths dumping now maybe be boarding next wk with my boys !!. Did you clone one of the plants in the tub or did you get them elsewhere? That will be my next job as well.. Any tips ? Thanks and have a great Christmas..


Active Member
FryingPan, Have you determined any females yet ? Those plants look great you've got a bit more room than I have here mine are climbing out of my closet! 3rd day of 12/12 and no sign of sex yet !! This is getting frustrating as big as they are I'm not gonna be happy ripping anything out of there , could be a real job..Thank god I don't have to shovel snow anymore !! My ol man used to give me that job back in Cleve. great to be in So.Cal. Want snow go to the Sierras !! Mammoths dumping now maybe be boarding next wk with my boys !!. Did you clone one of the plants in the tub or did you get them elsewhere? That will be my next job as well.. Any tips ? Thanks and have a great Christmas..
Hey ol hippie, nice to hear from you. I have to admit I cheated when it comes to sex, they are all clones so I'm planning on 6 for 6. That space is crammed full already, I'm not planning on many low buds, but there are a ton of tops that look to be ready to pop.

I took cuttings from both a diesel and a nl, three each. This is my first time cloning, but reading Cervantes he suggests taking them from the lower branches, newest hormones there, they'll take the best. But I wasn't ready to put them into res yet. I just stuck them in cups with water like I've done a million times with house plants. I finally got some rooting hormone so I was able to put them in today.

I mentioned the rooting powder a few posts back, got it at Wallie World for $4. You dip the clone into the powder covering it generously, then split a soaked mineral wool cube, lay in the clone and place it in the net cup in the typical set up. No nutes until roots are showing.

When taking a cutting and trying to coax roots out you are asking it to change from producing green stem cells to manufacturing undifferentiated cells. Once undifferentiated, cells quickly transform into root cells, therefore the rooting powder. I'm barely scratching the surface here, I've got more research to do, but I'm thinking everything will go pretty smooth from here.

I haven't set my clones in a closet yet, gotta get to work. But they won't need much for light yet. I'm thinking I'll veg under cfl's this time, don't want to spend the cash just yet. I'm thinking 4-48w 6500k and 2-48w 2700k. That ought to be a good start. I'm thinking cfl due to the heat, I don't want to deal with venting this time.

I'd love to blow off shovelling snow, this was a good dump. But such is the life here in the hills. I don't ski anymore, got my new knee 5 years ago. Knee's great, just don't want to screw the damn thing up. I love gettng way out back on snow shoes, talk about peaceful! My pups and I have a blast. You have a great Christmas too, hey you mentioned boys, how old? I've got two, 26 and 28.

Well, that's about all I know about cloning, there are many who know more than I, but hopefully this gets you going in the right direction.


Active Member
Well, well, well, am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing? Or am I just hoping way too much, I just went to 12/12 last Saturday, 4 days ago. I think probably the latter, but I'd like some opinions.



Active Member
Well, well, well, am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing? Or am I just hoping way too much, I just went to 12/12 last Saturday, 4 days ago. I think probably the latter, but I'd like some opinions.
Nope, no question in my mind, we're looking at pistils! Damn, this is getting good!


This is a fun thread to read, and watch. I've read Roseman's thread, and now yours. I plan on setting one up just like you guys, and soon! You're girls are really taking form now. Thank you for such a great read.


Active Member
This is a fun thread to read, and watch. I've read Roseman's thread, and now yours. I plan on setting one up just like you guys, and soon! You're girls are really taking form now. Thank you for such a great read.
Hey man thanks, I take your post as a real compliment. I'm proud to be able to help. Any questions please feel free to message me, if I can't help one of these guys can, they've all been a big help to me.

By the way, I'm a huge fan of these systems, when a first timer like me with the help of these guys can turn out something like this, well I can't say enough.

Now, hope I don't screw up and have to eat these words. Gotta be on the ball and patient.